Quaker Heritage Press > Online Texts > The Old Discipline > Priests' Wages; or Hireling Ministry


LET us keep in remembrance, that it is under the immediate teaching and influence of the holy Spirit that all acceptable worship is performed, and all true gospel ministry supplied; that this pure and powerful influence, in vessels sanctified and prepared by the divine hand, is the essential qualification to that work; and that as the gift is divine, the service is freely and faithfully to be discharged, without any view to reward from man.

And it is advised that where any of our members are so regardless of this testimony as to contribute to the support of an hireling ministry, and vindicate such conduct, that they be tenderly laboured with to convince them of their error, but if this prove ineffectual, and they persist in their unfaithfulness, the monthly meetings to which they belong should proceed to declare our disunity with them, such conduct being opposed to our testimony for the free ministry of the gospel, which is "without money and without price." -- 1757.

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