Quaker Heritage Press > Online Texts > The Bunyan-Burrough Debate > Burrough, The True Faith [2 of 3]

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Sixteen of thy first Pages are filled with this (to wit) proving that there is a Christ, and that he was promised, and that he was waited for, and expected, &c. [editor's note] To all this I shall say nothing, except thou hadst proved it in opposition to somebody; for what is Truth I own by the Spirit of the Lord, as it is Truth in Christ; but as it comes from thy lying spirit, I do not so well own it; [cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough (1)] [cited by Burrough (2)] [cited by Burrough (3)] I own the words, and I deny thy voice, and this is my Answer.

Only I find thee wresting some Scriptures, whether through subtilty, or for want of wit, I shall not judge, especially this hast thou encreased, Revel. 13.8. [cited by Bunyan (1)] [cited by Bunyan (2)] [cited by Burrough (1)] [cited by Burrough (2)] [editor's note] and falsly sayst, The Blood of Christ was shed before the World was; and it is, Since the Foundation of the World; [cited by Burrough] betwixt which is great difference, the one being a very Lye, and the other very Truth. Let shame cover thy lips.

Then thou goest on proving, That he is the Saviour that was born of Mary, &c. [cited by Bunyan] which thing we never denied, and therefore I need the less to answer thee, except thou hadst spoken it in opposition to us, which I find thee not altogether, until the thirty seventh Page, where thou again secretly smitest, in mixing some Truth with thy Lye.

[cited by Bunyan] And thou sayest, How horribly are those deceived, who look on Jesus[cited by Bunyan] to be but a Shadow or Type?

This is thy Lye, [cited by Bunyan] I know not any who do it, [cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough] and yet thou sayest, Of something that was afterwards to be revealed, &c.

Answ. This hath some truth in it, which is this, [cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough] The same Christ which was born of Mary, which wrought Righteousness in his Person, by doing, and suffering; which was& is the Substance, was afterwards revealed in the Saints: And this is no horrible deceit, to witness Christ revealed, or to wait for him to be revealed within. Then thou sayest, When he was come, then was an end put to the Law, &c. [cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough] And here I ask a Question, [cited by Bunyan] Did Christ Jesus put an end to the Law for them who yet live in the transgression of the Law? or [cited by Bunyan (1)] [cited by Bunyan (2)] [cited by Burrough] doth he justifie that which the Law condemneth before the work of the Law be finished? [cited by Bunyan] What is the meaning of the Scripture, Not one tittle shall fail, till all be fulfilled? [cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough] What assurance have any that it is fulfilled for them, who are yet transgressors of it in themselves? [echoed by Bunyan (1)] [echoed by Bunyan (2)] [echoed by Bunyan (3)] An Answer to this may satisfie the simple.

[cited by Bunyan] Then thou goest on and sayst, How are they deceived that think to obtain Salvation by following the convictions of the Law, which they call Christ, &c.?

Answ. Here thou confessest [cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough] the Law convinceth, [cited by Bunyan] then it is not put to an end, or fulfilled, or taken away, because it yet works; and it is no deceit to mind that which doth convince of sin, to lead to Christ, to take sin away; [cited by Bunyan] for the Scripture saith, The Law is a School-Master, to bring to Christ; but thou art in the deceived state, who healest up falsly, and daubest with untempered Morter, and wouldst teach People to apply the Promises unto Salvation, while they are in a condition of damnation, condemned in the sight of God by the Light in their own Consciences, [cited by Burrough] nor will not own that which discovers sin; and how then can they own him that takes it away, and purges from it by his Blood? [cited by Burrough] which thou sayest is done, but hast no more witness of it, by the fruit of ceasing to commit sin, then the Pope hath, who lives in your sin; then how is it taken away?

[cited by Bunyan] Then thou sayest with an impudent Tongue, Its not of works, least any man should boast, as these fond Hypocrites called Quakers would do.

[cited by Burrough] Answ. Thou Slanderer, [cited by Burrough] When didst thou hear any of the Quakers boast, or see them live in Hypocrisie: God shall judge thee thou deceitful heart; but further I answer by a Query, [cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough] Will that faith which is without works justifie? [cited by Burrough] And must not every one receive according to their deeds; he that doth good, Life, he that doth evil, Condemnation? but such is thy faigned fancy of Faith, who seekest to be justified by it, whilst thou bringest forth the fruits of unbelief.

[cited by Bunyan] Then thou speakest of living by Faith, which as thou sayest, Is to apply the Lord Jesus Christ, his Benefits, as Birth &c.

[cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough] I say, if to talk of him was Faith in him, and to live by his Faith, then few would want him; for many have gotten the words which are without the Life of Righteousness through Faith, [cited by Bunyan] and to live by Faith; says not who shall ascend or descend to fetch Christ for Salvation; neither doth it say, When shall he come from afar to save his People, but Faith speaks thus, What saith the word of the Gospel, which is within the heart, as thou mayst read in the Scripture of Truth; hadst thou but an ear to hear, but thou sayest, Lo here, and Lo there, false Prophet like.

[cited by Bunyan] Then thou sayst further, How are they deceived who own Christ no otherwise then as he was before the World began, &c.?

Answ. [cited by Burrough] [editor's note] Here thou hast discovered thy self more plainly, Did not the Saints own Christ Jesus the same yesterday, to day, and for ever, for Salvation; and is there any other Christ then he who was before Abraham was, and is he not now glorified with the same glory, (mind the same Glory) which he had with the Father before the World was, according as he prayed? is this deceit, or is it thy grievous ignorance to call it so, to own him as he was before the World was for Salvation? thou ignorant man, that was the very Christ the Son of God, who was equal with the Father, which was in the beginning, and in time was manifest in Bethlehem, and calls himself the Light of the World; thou hadst better have said nothing, then by multitude of words to lay open thy shame: [cited by Bunyan] Friend that spiritual Rock which the Fathers did eat and drink of, which followed them, that Rock was Christ the Salvation.

[cited by Bunyan] The next thing that I take notice of, is thy exposition upon that Scripture 1 Joh. 4.3. And thou sayest this is the meaning, Every Spirit that doth not confess that that Christ that was with the Father before the World was, did in the appointed time of the Father come into the World, took upon him a Body, and was very Man, as well as very God, &c.

Answ. [cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough] [editor's note]If every spirit be of God which doth in words confess this, then is not the Pope himself antichrist, seeing he confesses as much of this (it may be more then thou dost) neither canst thou justly condemn us for denying this; for we do confess it with our hearts, and not only with our mouthes, as thou and the Pope doth. [cited by Burrough] But Friend, Is every one saved that saith, Lord, Lord? nay, it is only he that doth the will of the Father, and who in many Nations do not confess this to be true, and yet there are but few in all Nations in the Way to Life, that shall be saved by Christ Jesus; [cited by Burrough] and it is not much better nor more accepted to confess Christ in words to be come, and yet in works to deny him, then it is both in words and in works to deny him; the one is wicked in Prophaness, the other is wicked in Hypocrisie; the one is a Lyar, the other is a false Witness, and whether of those are most vile, let them who are spiritual judge.

[cited by Bunyan] Then thou exhortest, To receive no Christ except God's Christ, &c.

[cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough] To this I say, The Christ of God is a Mystery not known to the World, and this is he which was in the beginning, whom God gave into the World, to be the Light and Saviour thereof, even he is God's Salvation unto the ends of the Earth; and unto him he is Light, and shall be Salvation and Redemption where his Person never came; [cited by Bunyan] and yet it cannot be said, Here is the Place where the Son of God is not. [echoed by Bunyan] [editor's note] Let him that reads understand.

[ignored by Bunyan] Then thy next thing is, proving many things concerning Christ, which [echoed by Bunyan] I pass by as not having any thing therein against the Quakers, [ignored by Bunyan] only in one particular, where thou numbers again them with the Ranters, so that I pass by also, lest thou should say I justifie the Ranters, and do rather choose to let the Innocent lie under the suffering of thy reproach, [cited by Burrough] whose innocency will appear when thy black vail of Lyes is taken away.

[cited by Bunyan] Then the next thing I mind is, where thou seems to reprove the Quakers for wresting the Scripture, John 1.9. whereby thou sayest, They split themselves, and endeavour to split others, &c.

Answ. [cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough] Wresting is thy own, and not ours, for we take the Scripture in plain words, without adding or diminishing, as our enemies shall witness for us. Then how wickedly dost thou say we wrest it, when we neither add nor diminish. [cited by Burrough] But thy folly must appear by thy much meddling.

And then thou takest in hand to speak to the thing, and thus thou sayst; Every man, as he comes into the World, receives a light from Christ, as he is God, &c.

Answ. [summarized by Burrough] [editor's note] What less hast thou said then we, except thou wilt say, he hath not lighted man as he is Christ, and so divide the Father, and the Son, which is error; [cited by Bunyan] for what the Father doth, the Son doth also, and they are equal in power and operation, and cannot be divided.

[cited by Bunyan] Then thou sayst, This Light is Conscience, that some call Christ, though falsly.

Answ. [cited by Bunyan] Them I leave for thee to reprove, and do deny them, and thee together; if thou hast not falsly made a Lye of some Body, and told thy own Lye, through the wresting of their words, let the Light in thy Conscience judge.

Then thou sayest, This Light will shew a man there is a God, and will discover the eternal God by his works, and it will reprove of sin, and make sin manifest, and by it the unregenerate man is able to know the sins against the Law are sins against God, &c.

Answ. [cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough] Also this will the Light of Christ do, wherewith he hath enlightened every man to Salvation, or condemnation, even that Light of which we declare: so that thou hast said no less hitherto, then we in this particular and the Scriptures say. [cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough] They saw the Eternal Power and Godhead, by that which was made manifest of God in them, (mind, in them) [cited by Burrough] which once they knew of God, but turned from it; [ignored by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough] and the Scripture saith, That which reproves of sin is the gift of the Spirit of God, John 16. and also the Scripture saith, That which makes manifest sin is Light, and whatsoever is reproved is made manifest by the Light, even the true Light the Apostle speaks of, Ephes. And the sum of all this which thou wouldst reprove in us, is no more then the Scriptures bare witness of, and which thy self hath uttered and confessed. [cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough] And Friend, dost thou know this Light that is given of Christ and God, unto every man, [cited by Bunyan] is sufficient in it self for Life and Salvation unto every one that believes? [cited by Bunyan] if thou say it is not, wherein is the blame, in God, or in his Light, or in the Creature? shew if thou canst.

Then thou again sayst, This light surely is that wherewith Christ, as he is God, hath enlightned every one that comes into the World which doth convince of sin.

Answ. [cited by Bunyan] [editor's note] Thus far thou art forced to confess Truth, (I think against thy mind) and thus far in words only we agree as in this particular; [cited by Burrough] then why dost thou say, By wresting that Scripture, John 1.9. we split our selves, and endeavour to split others, seeing thou thy self hast confessed no less than thou callst wresting in us. I reckon up thy confusion, and leave it for thee to read, and them to whom this may come.

Then thou sayst, The neglect of this (Light) will be sure to damn, though the obedience to the Law will not save them, &c.

Answ. [cited by Bunyan] Here again thou hast confessed truth. If the neglect of the Light will be sure to damn, as thou confessest; [cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough] then I say, surely it is not good to neglect it, that must needs follow, deny it if thou canst; therefore the sum of thy words is the same with us, that every one mind the Light of Christ Jesus, least they be damned for the neglect of it. And Friend, [cited by Bunyan] to the second part of the clause, I say, the Law must be obeyed, and the righteousness of it fulfilled within thee, if ever thou come to Eternal Life; if it be not, thou cannot escape damnation. [editor's note] Learn what this means.

[cited by Bunyan] Then further thou sayst, Though Christ doth give a Light to every one that comes into the World; yet it doth not therefore follow, that this Conscience (or Light) is the Spirit of Christ, or the work of Grace wrought in the heart, &c.

Here thy confusion is seen at large, who wouldst seem to divide between the Light of Christ, which thou confessest is given to every man, and the Spirit of Christ, and the Grace of God. [cited by Burrough] However thus far I say, the Light of Christ given to every man, is not contrary to the Spirit of Christ, and to the Grace of God, [cited by Bunyan] but one in their nature; and a man cannot possibly love one of them, and hate another; neither can any obey one of these and disobey the other; therefore are they one in the union, leading in the same way unto the same end. And where doth the Spirit of Christ give light, or the Grace of God work, or lead, if not in the Conscience? [cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough] And can there be any surer thing for the Creature to look to, to walk to Life, or to come to God by, then the Light of Christ in the Conscience, which thou confessest every man hath that cometh into the World?

Then thou sayst, Heathens, Turks, Jews, Atheists, &c. have that that doth convince them of sin, yet are so far from having the Spirit of Christ in them, that they delight to serve their lusts, &c.

Answ. [cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough] This Query I ask of thee, Do they or thou, or any man serve sin or your lusts, because Christ hath not given you light to discover your sin, or because you hate that Light that is given? answer me. [cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough] And surely by this which doth convince of sin, is every man in the world inexcusable; [cited by Bunyan] so it works for God in all men, either to justifie or condemn. And tell me, is not the Spirit or Light of Christ the only thing which doth convince of sin? [cited by Bunyan] Or doth any thing convince of sin contrary, or besides, or without the Spirit of Christ? if nay, then it must needs be that it is from, or by, or something of the nature of the Spirit of Christ, which is in the Heathens. And the sum of thy doctrine is no less in the profession of thy words, then what we say; then why dost thou condemn us? But it seems thy tongue speaks one thing, and another thing is in thy heart, and this is Hypocrisie.

Then thou sayest, Those that are alive to sin have not the Spirit of Christ, &c. [cited by Bunyan (1)] [cited by Bunyan (2)] [cited by Bunyan (3)] [cited by Bunyan (4)] [cited by Burrough] But I say it is given to every man, though every man receives it not; and it strives with the wicked man, though he follows it not. [cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough] And some other vain Arguments thou usest to prove, That every man hath not the Spirit of Christ, which I pass by; only thus much I leave with thee, [cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough (1)] [cited by Burrough (2)] till thou provest the Light of Christ (which thou confessest every man hath) to be contrary to the Spirit of Christ; [cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough (1)] [cited by Burrough (2)] [cited by Burrough (3)] [cited by Burrough (4)] I shall say every man hath that which is one in union, and like the Spirit of Christ, even as good as the Spirit of Christ, according to its measure.

Then thou goest on, and sayest, That the Devil might be sure to deceive (or to that purpose) he saith, Turn thy mind inward, and listen within, and see if there be not that within thee that doth convince of sin, &c.

Answ. [cited by Bunyan] Thou hast confessed that the Light within which convinces of sin is the Light of God and Christ; and now thou sayest, the Divil, to deceive souls, bids turn to mind the Light within, which doth convince of sin; thou hast lyed of the Devil: Oh thou blind Priest! whom God hath confounded in thy language; [cited by Burrough] Was ever such a thing spoken, That the Devil can deceive any by the Light of Christ, or that he uses any such doctrine. [cited by Bunyan] [editor's note] Friend it is the Voice of the Gospel to bid listen within to the Light, even to the Word of Faith, within the heart, as Paul preached.

[cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough] But thou further sayst, They are ignorant of the Gospel, who claps in with these Motions of [cited by Bunyan] the Light within, (or Conscience) which doth command to abstain from the evil, and to practice good.

And here thou hast shewed thy blindness and ignorance, more than can be uttered, as though the motions of the Light of Christ in the Conscience, which command to abstain from evil, and to practice good, were another thing then the Light of the Gospel: [cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough] what, and how doth the Light of the Gospel work, if not in the Conscience, and to command from evil, and to practice good? Surely thou preachest another Gospel then Paul preached: for his Doctrine was, Abstain from all evil, and follow that which is good, and listen to the word within in the heart; but this Gospel thou deniest, and so must needs preach another Gospel, and so art the accursed, as Paul saith.

[cited by Burrough] Then thou sayst, Thus the poor Soul is most horribly carried away head-long, &c. into the belly of Hell, &c. thus much is the sum, by turning the mind within, to the Light which doth convince of sin, and listning thereto, and clapsing with the motions in the Conscience which do command to abstain from evil, and to practice good, and closing with something within [cited by Bunyan] (which thou hast confessed is the Light of Christ) hereby, or thus is the poor Soul carried headlong, and at the end of its life doth fall into the belly of Hell, as thou sayst.

Let shame cover, if thy heart be not altogether hardned; was ever such Doctrine preached? surely, malice hath carried thee out of sence, else thou wouldst not have uttered these things, but it is answer enough to reckon thy confusion up into a sum, and I leave it to every honest heart to read, and judge thereof.

[cited by Bunyan] Then thou further sayst, The Devil counterfeits the work of Grace, and makes the Soul believe, if it will be led by what is made known unto it, by the Light or Conscience within, it shall do well.

Answ. [cited by Burrough] Wo unto thee that callst good evil, and evil good; Art thou not ashamed to utter thy mind so wickedly, and impudently? doth the Light of Christ within deceive? or is not this Christs Doctrine, I am the Light of the World, he that follows me shall have the Light of Life; and he that walks in the Light stumbles not? and this shamelessly hast thou called the Doctrine of the Devil; but if ever thou knowst God it must be by following, and by being led with the Light within, which God hath made known unto thee, else the Light is thy condemnation eternally.

[cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough] Then thou sayst, The Devil counterfeits the new birth, by perswading it is wrought by following the Light of the World, &c.

Answ. This Doctrine is as wicked as the former, and from as lying a spirit; [cited by Burrough] but answer me, By what is the New-birth wrought? and how, if not by following the Light of Christ in the Conscience? is there any other way to God but Christ Jesus, who hath lighted every man that comes into the World? [cited by Burrough] and whereas thou beginst to scorn, in thy vain mind, at living upon Bread and Water, and wearing no Hatbands, [cited by Bunyan] and not speaking except the Spirit moves, &c. [ignored by Bunyan (1)] [ignored by Bunyan (2)] The Scorner and the Lyar go together, the Lord rebuke thee thou false deceitfull heart, and lying tongue; it grieves thy lust to know any to live upon bread and water, and it torments thy pride, that any should forsake their pride; and it is easily known of what spirit thou art, and that thou goest on in thy own will, before God leads thee, and scornst to wait till the Spirit of God moves upon thee, or scornst them that do wait; [cited by Bunyan] but thou runst, and art not sent, like unto thy Fore-fathers; [cited by Burrough] and therefore thou dost not profit people at all.

[cited by Bunyan] Then thou accusest us of sad Blasphemies, and horrible Doctrines, [cited by Bunyan] but namest nothing, and so slanderst without witness; and take back thy own words, for they belong to thee, as is sufficiently proved in this Answer to thy Book, let the wise in heart judge: [cited by Bunyan] And thou sayst, Thou wonderst, that the ground do not open and swallow us up, or else the Devil fetch us away alive, &c. And this most fully discovers thy spirit to be without the fear of God in any measure, who utterst such wicked Language, for which thou hast no example among all the Children of God; and is not this horrible Doctrine, and little less then sad Blasphemies? It is answer sufficient to gather up thy confusion, and send it thee to read; if there be any honesty in thy heart, repent, and cease thy wickedness, lest God smite thee with a Curse, and make thee an Example of Destruction.

Then thou goest on, and hast asked thy self a Question; Is it not the Spirit of Christ that doth make manifest, or convince of Sin? [cited by Bunyan] The Question is good, but thou hast confounded it in thy Answer, and not answered plainly, but hast covered Truth under the vail of thy many words: Thou sayst, There are two things that do make manifest, and convince of Sin; first, the law; and secondly, the Spirit of Christ. I query further, Doth any convince of sin contrary to the Spirit of Christ? if not, then that which doth convince of sin is like unto, or one in the Union, or something as good in its Nature as the Spirit of Christ; [cited by Bunyan] and thou instancest in Judas, whom thou sayst was convinced of sin by the Law, without the Spirit of Christ; to which I say, the Law of God is spiritual, and is not contrary, but one with the Spirit of Christ in its union, (at least) and that which let him see Christ to be innocent, was not words, syllables without him, but must needs be within him; so if I should say the Spirit of Christ was not in him, [cited by Bunyan] yet was the Work of the righteous Law of God written in his heart, which is spiritual, and Christ Jesus was not without his own testimony in Judas, which is Light, by which Judas was, and is condemned eternally; And though Judas was at the same time possessed of the Devil, as thou sayest, yet there was that within him also, which disquieted, and tormented the Devil, which discovered the Devil with his works, by which he saw his murderous mind, and the Blood of the Just One, I say; it needs must be contrary to the Devil, and to his works, which condemned him; I call it the Light of God, which is spiritual, call it what thou canst.

Then thou goest on, and seems to shew a difference, betwixt being convinced by the Law without the Spirit of Christ, and the convincement by the Spirit of Christ, [cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough]but art confounded in thy discourse.

I say the power of the Law of God is spiritual, [cited by Bunyan] and though thou make a little thing of it to be convinced by the Law, of sins against the Law, yet I make it a thing of weight; [cited by Burrough] And this is the condemnation, that Light is come into the World, and men love darkness rather than Light, because their deeds are evil; [cited by Bunyan] and the Law is Light, as saith the Scripture, and Christ is come to discover and reprove sin; [cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough] and I put thee to prove in all the Scripture where any such thing ever was distinguished, as something to convince of sin, without, and besides, or contrary to the Spirit of God; and till thou provest it, thus far I have answered thee concerning it.

Then thou sayst, Though some say, they are not only convinced of Sin, but have gotten some power over it, to abstain from those things that are forbidden in the Law; yet thou further sayst, This may be done as those blind Pharisees, called Quakers, think they do, and be but natural men, &c.

Answ. [cited by Bunyan (1)] [cited by Bunyan (2)] [cited by Burrough] Thou perverter of the right Way of God; how long wilt thou go on in thy uncleanness, uttering thy wrath against the Simple? [cited by Burrough] It seems to get power over sin, and to abstain from those things forbidden in the Law is a thing of no value with thee; but is it not further then thou ever camest? let that of God in thy Conscience judge and answer, [cited by Bunyan] and shew me ever any natural man that did it throughout the Scripture: And as for the Pharisee, it is thy own, I return it to thee again; thou art called of men Master, and hast the chief Seat in the Assembly, and standst praying in the Synagogues, as they did in Christs time. Friend, how fain wouldst thou clear thy self to make others guilty; but the guilt stands at thy door, and rests upon thy own head, [cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough] and I rather chuse to be of that profession which abstains from those things forbidden in the Law, and to have power over sin, then to live in the transgression of the Law, and under the power of sin: Yet talking of belief in the Son of Mary, [cited by Bunyan] whose Name (Mary) I may have ground to judge thou worshipst as the Papists do; and the same I say, much as Paul did, The uncircumcision of such who keep the Law, shall condemn thee, in thy false faith, who breakst the Law.

[cited by Bunyan] Then thou again confessest, That Christ, as God, hath enlightened every man that comes into the World with the Law which doth convince of Sin; but to this I have spoken, so shall pass it; [cited by Bunyan (1)] [cited by Bunyan (2)] only mind the Scripture which thy self hast quoted, The Law is Light, [cited by Bunyan (1)] [cited by Bunyan (2)] then the Light is the Law, and gives the knowledge of sin. [cited by Bunyan] Then thou sayst, If the Spirit of Christ convince thee of Sin, then it convinces of more Sins then against the Law. [summarized by Burrough] And to which I say; It seem there is some sin, against which there is no Law, by thy confused Story, or that the Law is not against all sin: [echoed by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough] Friend, shew, if thou canst, any sin which is not against the Law; if thou canst not, Repent, and cease thy confusion.

[ignored by Bunyan] Then thou speakst against self-righteousness, but hast forgotten to reprove thy self, in thy Lying, and Slandering, and false Accusing; [cited by Burrough] and it is thou that preachest another Gospel then the Apostle preached; he directed every one to the Word within, in the heart, and turned to the Light within, from darkness; but thou directs altogether to a thing without; dispising the Light within, and worshipping the Name of (Mary) in thy imaginations, and knowst not him who was before the World was, in whom alone is Salvation, and in no other. Then thou sayest, The Light convinceth of Sins, but of no other then Sins against the Law; as though there were some sins which were not against the Law; but to that I have spoken.

And thou sayst, It doth not shew the Soul a Saviour, or Deliverer, &c.

Answ. [cited by Burrough] Thou art here in a Lye, for the Light which comes from Christ doth manifest a Saviour, and Deliverer, and nothing else; [cited by Burrough] for if the Light of Christ doth not shew Christ, what then can, unto every one that walkes in the Light?

[cited by Bunyan] Then the next thing thou provest is, That God only is our Saviour, there is none beside him, &c. [cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough] But how contrary is this to that in page 42. where thou sayest, They are wickedly deluded, who own Christ no otherwise, but as he was before the World was, for Salvation: For if God be the Saviour, and there is none beside him, then it is no delusion to own him as he was before the World was; and thus I sum up thy confusion and contradictions, and do leave them for thee to read.

[cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough] The next thing I observe is, where thou art proving the Resurrection, and slanderest the Quakers with making light of it; but yet again wickedly numbring them with other Infidels, that thou mightst have a cover for thy slander; but I put thee to prove, where they made light of the Resurrection; or else prove thy self a Lyar in the sight of all Just men; thou secretly slanderest, but proves nothing.

[cited by Bunyan] Then thou hast raised a Query from Ephes. 4.10. [cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough] but hast not answered it; though many words thou hast uttered, yet little to the purpose; and I return thee the same query again to answer; and many other things, and Arguments thou hast made, [cited by Bunyan] to which I shall say little, only mind thee of thy carnal sottishness, who speakst of Christ to be four or five foot long; [cited by Bunyan] let shame cover thy Lips, thou blind Sot; when did you see Christ in that length? hast thou not here spoken of that which thou knowst not, and art a busy body intruding into things, whereof thou art ignorant, but Fools love to be medling, to manifest their own folly, among whom thou art; and much more stuff, which I pass by, as not worth naming; [cited by Bunyan] only thy malice is against the Kingdom of Heaven within, and utters thy carnal sensual knowledge of the things of God, which thy imaginations shall never know.

[cited by Bunyan] The next thing I observe is, where thou reckonst the Quakers to be the false Prophets which Christ speaks of, which shall be before his coming, and to be the Scoffers which walks after their own hearts lusts which Peter speaks of.

Answ. [cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough] To which I answer; those false Prophets which Christ spake of, came in, in the dayes of John; For, saith he, by this we know that it is the last time; for now are there many Antichrists; [cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough] and this was before a Quaker was heard of; [cited by Bunyan (1)] [cited by Bunyan (2)] [cited by Burrough (1)] [cited by Burrough (2)] [editor's note] And if we should diligently search, we should find thee in their steps, through feigned words, through covetousness, making Merchandise of Souls, loving the wages of unrighteousness, and such were the Scoffers, which Peter speaks of, [cited by Burrough] among which thou art found, in thy practice, among them who are preaching for hire,& love the error of Balaam, who took gifts and rewards; and Christ hath said, we shall know you by your Fruits; and the same Fruits that ever were brought forth among the false Prophets of old, grow among you in many things I could instance; but he is wholly blind who sees you not. [cited by Bunyan] Before thou wast accusing us of drinking water, and now thou accusest us of walking after our own lusts; but such is thy confusion, thy wrath overcomes sense.

Then thou speaks of some who told thee to thy face, thou usedst conjuration and witchcraft, because what thou preachedst was according to Scriptures, &c.

[cited by Bunyan] To which I say, let the guilty be reproved, for we deny thy Accusation to be true upon any of the Quakers, which some may think thou speakst of; so thy Accusation rests between thee and them, and we are clear; for every Truth which the Scriptures bear witness of, we do own, and do not condemn any for preaching according to the Scriptures.

[cited by Bunyan (1)] [cited by Bunyan (2)] [cited by Burrough]Then the next thing I observe, is thy crying so loud against Christ within; which indeed is the only thing, without which there is no Salvation; for, Except Christ be in you, you are Reprobates.

And this also I observe from thee, as having traced thy path unto the end, and numbred thy work into a total sum, [cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough] which is a secret smiting and obscure shooting against the Manifestation or Belief of Christ within, which there can be no Salvation without, as I have proved; and in words only I find thee exalting Christ without, and worshipping the name of (Mary) like the Pope, I have good ground so to judge.

[cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough] And whereas thou callest the Doctrine of Christ within false Opinions, and takest in hand to discover it, as in Page 203. I say to all honest men, who have but any knowledge of the Letter of the Scripture, thou art hereby sufficiently discovered, who callst the chief thing, which is the chief unto Salvation, and without which can be none, false Opinions; [ignored by Bunyan] God shall judge thee, thou wicked heart; and much more I need not say, but shall leave this to the view of any that is honest to judge, and so have gone through thy Book, and passed by many things; only I have spoken to that which thou hast treated any thing upon us; and the Truth I have cleared from many Lyes and Slanders, and thy Vail of false Reproaches is rent, and our Innocency doth partly appear, and thy vail of Hypocrisie is a little removed, and thy deceitfull heart weighed and seen: [cited by Bunyan] And as for the rest of thy Book which I have not medled with, thus much I say of it, I suppose you will confess it was all given forth by one spirit, and it is proved some of it is given forth by a lying spirit; then let the Reader judge what the rest of it can be; though the words be true, yet is thy spirit false, and at the best, what thou hast said, is but bearing false witness (as to thy self) of a true thing; [cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough] I own the words, and I deny the voice; and here I deal plainly with thee.

[cited by Bunyan] Thou then askst a Question; Doth not the Scripture speak of Christ within? unto which I further add, answer it as thou canst.

[cited by Bunyan] [cited by Burrough] Doth not the Scripture say, Christ is within except you be Reprobates? And is not this thus much; all is reprobate but they in whom Christ is within? Answer in plainness, and darken not knowledge by words without wisdom. And towards the end I find thee making up the sum of thy wickedness with this, numbring the Quakers with Ranters, Sin, Death, and the Devil: I will not bring a railing Accusation against thee; but the Lord rebuke thee thou unclean spirit, who hast falsly accused the Innocent to clear thy self from guilt; but at thy door guilt lodges, and I leave it with thee; clear thy self if thou art able. And thy wicked Reproaches we patiently bear, till the Lord appear for us: and we are not greater then our Lord, who was said to have a Devil by thy Generation; and their measure of wickedness thou fulfils, and art one of the Dragons Army, against the Lamb and his Followers; and thy Weapons are Slanders, and thy Refuge is Lyes, and thy work is confused, and hath hardly gained a name in Babylons Record; and by us (so much of it at least as is against us) is cast by as our spoiled prey, and trampled upon in all thy reproachfull speeches, who art unclean, and of more price to us is thy hatred and envy, then thy love can be, except the ground were better in which you stand.

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