Quaker Heritage Press > Online Texts > Works of Robert Barclay > Apology for the True Christian Divinity > Tables: Of Scriptures, Authors Cited, and Subjects

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Passages of Scripture

Occurring in this Book

Chap.   Verse       Page
1       2           33
2       17          86
3       24          86
4       6,7         132
        7           193
5       22,24       217
6       3           136
        5           87
        9           217

13      8,9         385
23      7           185
34      6           133

10      1           338
19      2,3,12      458

11      25-26       34
14      18          133

4       2           84
6       13          458
10      20          458
13      5,9         414
14      20          458

        1 SAMUEL
2       30          439
10      12          300

        1 KINGS
8       46          219
19      18          232

        1 CHRONICLES
29      11          437

9       4           324

9       20,30       34

3       5           477

1       8           217
2       13          324
8       13          204
9       20          185
24      13          160
27      5           185
28      28          268
32      21-22       440, 477
37      22          437
38      2           265

6       6           342
14      3           88
17      14          109
21      5           437
22      14-15       342
25      3           304
27      14          304
29      4           437
37      7,9,34      304
43      3           437
51      5           94
        13          34
53      2           88
54      3           367
63      1           436, 454
69      6           304
84      2           454
86      15          133
96      6           437
110     3           413
        4           460
118     22          153
119     11          220
139     7           34

1       20 &c.      164
        24-26       136, 224
7       14          385
8       9,34        164
15      29          343
17      15          185, 213
18      10          315, 364
20      22          304
21      4           311
27      14          322
28      9           334
30      6           84

7       20          219

1       13          343
        16-17       321
2       4           470
        10          437
3                   448
5       2,4         135
        23          185
6       9           137
8       20          78
10      20          298
13      11          109
24      14          437
26      3           298
        10          437
30      18          133, 304
        20          297
40      31          304
45      23          462
48      16          34
49      6           157
55      4           147
56      11          279, 289
59      2           178, 208
        21          47
64      6           200, 201
65      16          463
        25          470
66      3           335, 343

2       13          45
3       11          185
        14          232
7       4           246
10      3           430
14      12          335, 343
        14-15       287
15      15          133
17      9           88
18      9-10        136
23      6           175
        21          287
        29          147
        30-31 &c.   288
        32          288
27      15          287
31      33          48
        38-40       461

3       25          304

1       14          324
16      6           174
18      20          93
        32          96
20      1           324
33      11          96, 101, 109
        12-18       221
34      2,3,8       288
36      25          461

4       30          437

4       9           236
12      6           304

2       11          128
5       18          141

3       5,11        287
        5           281
4       3           470
6       8           146

1       13          208

3       8           304

2                   138

3       8           204
        11          348
        15          362
5       1           196, 326
        33-34       453-454
        38-48       465, 467
        43          469
        48          214
6       20          454
7       12-13       408
        16          90
        21          195
        29          408
8       5           472
9       13          360
10      1,5         287
        5-6         259
        8           230, 289
        14          283
        16          411
        20          288, 326
        23          428
11      27          29
        30          217
12      35-36       451
        48          242
13                  143
        14          137
        18-19       115
        31-32       151
        29-41       413
15      6,9         345
        13          430
16      27          204
18      7           109
        20          323
        32,34       136
19                  474
20      25-27       288
21      33          135
        42          153
23      5-7         288
        8-10        288
        22          457
        37          136
24      27          128
        42          304, 334
25                  147
        13          304
        15          119
        21,23       197
        26          140
        30          199
26      26          385, 391
        41          304, 311
        52          470
28                  356, 364
        18          411
        19          356

3       33-34       242
4                   143
        1           325
        12          137
8       34          471
12      1           135
        10          153
13      11          288, 326
        33          311, 333
        33,35,37    304
14      22          385, 391
        38          333
16      15          104

1       6           217
2       10          104
        52          207
3       14          472
7       28          472
8       10          137
        11          143
9       55          412
        55-56       408
10      22          29
        29          185
12      12          288, 327
        48          144
13      3           179
        34          136
14      31          462
16      15          185
17      10          196
        20-21       151
18      1           330
19      41-42       136
        42          119
20      9           135
        17          153
21      36          304, 311, 331
22      19          385, 391
        36          474

1                   377
        1-3         29
        7           147
        9           138
        12          377
3       3           150
        5           370
        8           128
        16-17       107
        18          179
        18-19       224
        20          156
        30          344, 355
        34          362
4       2           356
        14          386
        23-24       317, 344
5       39          79
        44          430
6       16          380
        27,32 &c.   373, 376
        35          373, 377, 378
        45          72
        53          379
        55          378
        56-57       379-380
        60          378
        63          43
        66          378
7       7           109
        48-49       20
8       26          109
9       31          343
10      1           239
12      19          109
        36          141
        40          137
        47          107
13      4-5 &c.     392
        14          374
        17          195, 214
14      6           29
        16          40
        17          40, 109
        26          40, 45
15      1-6         248
        5           254
        18-19       109
16      8           61
        13          40, 45, 64
17      3           19
        14          109
        18,20       109
18      36          316, 470
20      19          428

1       4           304
        4-5         350
        25          243
2       1           323
        4           43, 288
        17          277
        41          364
        42          397
        46          397
3       17          162
4       11          153
6                   274, 398
        10          43
7       48          319
        51          224
8       12          364
        16          364
        22          341
        38          364
        16          364
9       25          428
10      34          160
        47-48       364, 368
        48          364
11      16          350
13      38          364
        46          136, 224
15      20          374
        29          402
16      15          364
17      11          80
        28          453
18      8           364
19      5           364
20      7           398
        31          304
        32          67
        33-35       281, 289
21      9           277
        23 &c.      405
26      18          140
28      26          137

1       9           460
        11          365
        16          144
        17-23       119
        18          224
2       4           134
        9-11,13     161
3       10-18       88
        20          197
        24          193
        25          177
4       15          93
5                   95
        10          191
        12          84, 94
        13          93
        15          84
        18          157
6       1-2         222
        2 &c.       215
        3-4         354
        4           344
        14          67
        16          209
7       12,14       89
        19,24       219-220
8       1 &c.       43
        2           67
        3           215
        9           22, 41
        13          179, 226
        14          22, 63
        16          37, 72
        26-27       333
        30          187, 188
        38          228
9       1           460
10      8           67, 98, 143
        14-15,18    146
        17          115
11                  232
12      2           444
        6           70, 271
        20-21       470
13                  410, 415
14      6           389
        11          462
        17          403
        23          390, 408
15      4           75

1       2           249
        14          359
        17          288, 327, 345
        21          109
2       2           125
        3-5,13      288, 327
        3-5         327
        5           360
        8           162
        9-12,14     31
        9-10        43
        12          109
        13          328
        15          91
3       4-8,9       361
        16          126
4       15          365
        18          288
5       8           373
6       2           109
        11          167, 186
        17          208, 301, 376
        19          41
7       19          195, 214
        29-30       450
9       11 &c.      277
        15          280
        18          280
        24          462
        27          228
10      3-4         377
        16          387
        16-17       373
        17          380
        21          379
11                  444
        17,20       399
        17-34       399
        23          391
        26          386
        27-29       388
12                  69
        3           32, 334
        4           270
        4-6         39
        7           97, 116
        8-10,13     43
        9-11        41
        13          32, 257
        17,29       270
13      2           288
14      15          334
        30          328
        30-31,33    272
        34          276
16      13          304

1       22          229, 347
        23          460
        24          410
2       17          266
3       6           238
4       10-11       191
5       11          237
        14          454
        16-17       150
        18-19,21    181
        19          173
6       14          208, 379
        14-16       182
        16          124
        17-18       247
10      4           412, 469
11      10          460
13      3           252
        5           70, 158, 193
        11          214

1, &c.              198
        8-9         82
        16          31
        20          460
2       8           200
        20          200, 217
3       27          193, 345
4                   198
        19          192
5       12,20       416
        24          469
6       6           277
        14          109

1       13          229
        14          347
2                   92
        4-6         217
        5           191
        8           253
        15          174
3       9           29
4       5           38, 344
        7,11,16     254
        11          212, 270
        23          299
        23-24       193
        24          216
        30          347
5       8           140
        11          430
        13          115, 126, 406
        25-27       212
6       12          469
        18          333, 334

1       6           226
        8           460
        21          95
2       13          200
3       10          174
        14          223
        15          425
        20          438

1       13          140
        23          144
        24          176
        27-28       192
        28          104
2       6,16,20     403
        8           430
        12          344
        15          316
        19          246
3       1           401
        2           454
        16          342
4       2           304
        12          213

1       5           270
2       12          203
3       13          213
5       5           140
        6           304
        12-13       274
        17          330
        19-20       276
        21          425
        23          213
        27          461

1       5,11        203
2       11-12       224

        1 TIMOTHY
1       19          226
2       1,3,4,6     106
        4           101
        8-10        448
        11          256
3       2           245
        2-6         287
        15          245
5       18          277
        17          274
6       5-6 &c.     287
        7-10        281
        8           287
        20          264

        2 TIMOTHY
3       2           287
        15-17       75
        17          213
4       5           304
        7           229

1, &c.              256
        7-9         287
        10-11       289
        15          126
2       11          156, 253
        14          174, 211
3       5           191, 199
        7           193
        10          408

1       3           437
2       9           97, 107
3       14          226
4       12-13       146
5       4           258, 287
6       16          462
7       26          182
8       10-11       48
9       9           216
        10          356, 404
10      24-26       323
11                  38
        6           179
        7           35, 38
12      14          195
        16-17       119
        22-23       217
13      7-8         39
        17          274

1       9           434
        21          143
        25          311
        27          109
2       24          195
3       9-10        218
4       1           469
5       6           167
        12          455
        14          374, 402

        1 PETER
1       5           226
        14          430
        17          451
        23          151
2       5           259
        21          123
        22          182
        22,24       174
3       3-4         449
        18          174
        20          133
        21          344
4       7           304, 311
        10-11       255, 288
5       5           274

        2 PETER
1       4           175, 209
        10          70, 229
        12-13       76
        16          437
2       1-3         287
        3           266
        1-2,14-15   289
        20          109
3       9           101, 108
        15          133

        1 JOHN
1       1           261
        7           139
        8           217
2       1-2         108
        2-6         214
        15          109
        27          50
3       1,13        109
        2-10        214
        4           220
        5,8         211
        7,20        193
        9           208
4       4-5         109
        9           106
        10          174
        13          59, 72
        2           217
        6           59, 72
        14          334
        19          109

1       16          288
        20          334

2       5           179
        9           246
        20          416
3       12          229, 223
        16          243
        20          31, 389
14      1-5         217
19      10          445
22      9           445
        14          195
        18          84


of the Authors that are Cited in this Book

Alain [of Lille]. 372
Ambrose of Milan. 117, 422, 459, 465, 468, 474
Ambrosius Ansbertius. 465
Ames, William. 203, 408
Anselm of Canterbury. 465
Antiochus. 465
Apollinaris. 111
Arles, Synod of. 114
Arnoldus, Nicolaus, of Franeker. 240, 260, 279, 292, 362, 373
Aszansik, Council of. 223
Athanasius. 24, 421, 460, 464, 468
Augsburg Confession. 204, 227
Augustine [of Hippo]. 24, 49, 75, 85, 112, 129, 168-169, 192, 219, 222, 372, 375, 464, 467

Baker, Augustine [author of Sancta Sophia]. 319-320
Basil the Great. 459
Baxter, Richard. 194, 203-204
Bede. 465
Bellarmine [, Robert]. 175, 420
Bernard [of Clairvaux]. 25, 320, 331
Bertius. 201
Beza [, Theodore]. 100, 188, 416
Borrhaus, Martin. 188, 193
Bucer, Martin. 189
Buchanan, George. 166
Bullinger, Heinrich. 187

Call of All Nations, author of. 113, 151, 153
Calvin, John. 43-45, 63-64, 100, 190, 201-203, 273, 294, 363, 370, 382, 396, 406, 424, 438
Carlstadt [, Andreas]. 424
Carthage, Council of. 65
Casaubon [, Isaac]. 440
Cassiodorus. 465
Castellio [, Sebastian]. 424
Chamierus, D. 188
Chemnitz [, Martin]. 190
Chromatius [, of Aquileia]. 465, 468
Chrysostom [, John]. 111, 410, 459, 465, 468
Cicero. 163
Clement of Alexandria. 24, 148, 164, 465, 471
Coret, James. 201
Cyprian. 422, 465, 467
Cyril of Alexandria. 25, 137, 143, 465, 468

Daillé [, Jean]. 406
Diodorus Siculus. 463
Dort, Synod of. 64, 99
Druthmarus, Christianus. 465

Epictetus. 21
Epiphanius. 73, 465
Erasmus [, Desiderius]. 441, 465, 469
Eusebius. 53, 464
Euthymius Eugubinus. 465, 468
Eutyches. 121

Ferus, Johannes. 468
Floracensis, Johannes. 372
Florence, Council of. 53
Forbes, William. 189-190
French Churches, Confession of the. 64

Gelasius [, Pope]. 223
Gentiletus, Innocentius. 202
Godeau, M.. 442
Gregory I, Pope. 25
Gregory of Nazianzus. 465
Gregory of Nyssa. 465
Grotius, Hugo. 459, 463

Haymo [of Faversham]. 465
[Hessels, William] of Est. 194
Hilary [of Poitiers]. 421-422, 465
Hildebrand [Pope Gregory VII]. 419
Himelius. 194
History of the Council of Trent. 424, 425
History of the reformation of France. 437
Holland, Confession of faith of the Churches of. 64
Hosius. 422
Howel, James. 441
Huss, John. 84

Inuncanus, Claudius Alberius. 197
Isidore of Seville. 464
Isidore of Pelusium. 464

Jerome. 25, 74, 77, 222, 421, 439, 459-460, 465, 467
John of Damascus. 465
Justin Martyr. 149, 164, 464, 467, 470, 473

Lactantius. 163
Lambert, Francis. 257, 326
Laodicea, Council of. 65
Ludovicus Vives. 467, 475
Luther [, Martin]. 25, 112, 170, 174, 241, 423, 441

Marcian. 422
Marcus Aurelius. 464
Maresius, John. 441, 442
Masson, Papirius. 372
Melanchthon, Philip. 25, 188, 225
Musculus. 201

Oecumenius. 465
Oldenburg, Conference of Electoral Divines of. 204
Origen. 27, 266, 465, 467, 474
Osiander, Lucas. 112, 264
Otho Brunsfeldius. 365
Pareus [, David]. 100, 185
Paulus Riccius. 369, 391
Philo. 464, 470
Pithaus, P. 372
Phocylides. 164
Piscator [John Fischer]. 101
Platina [, Bartolomeo]. 249
Plato. 163, 464
Plotinus. 164
Polanus, Amandus. 202
Polybius. 459
Polycarp [of Smyrna]. 53, 464
Prosper [of Aquitaine]. 112
Pythagoras. 163, 463

Quintilian. 464
Quintus Curtius. 463

Radbertus, Paschasius. 465
Reinerius. 430

Seneca. 163
Smith, Doctor in Cambridge. 27
StobÆus. 464
Sulpicius Severus. 473
Sylvius, Fredericus. 471, 475

Tertullian. 24, 423, 463, 467, 470
Theophylact. 465
Thomas Aquinas. 49
Thysius. 187
Trent, Council of. 95, 203, 424

[Vermigli, Peter] Martyr. 100
Victor of Antioch. 144
Vincent of Lérins. 473
Voss, Gerhard. 144, 204, 225

Waldenses. 465
Westminster Larger Catechism. 206
Westminster Confession. 64, 71, 172
Wycliffe, John. 465

Zanchi [, Jerome]. 100, 187, 190, 203
Zwingli [, Ulrich]. 95, 100, 194


of the Chief Things

Abraham's faith.
See man, sin, redemption. what happiness he lost by the fall. 87. what death he died. 87, 95. He retained in his nature no will or light capable of itself to manifest spiritual things. 87. whether there be any relics of the heavenly image left in them. 90, 125
Alexander Skein's
queries proposed to the preachers. 337-338
Anabaptists of Great Britain.
54, 313
Anabaptists of Münster.
how their mischievous actings nothing touch the Quakers. 51-55
the anointing teacheth all things. it is, and abideth forever, a common privilege and sure rule to all saints. 50
is exalted, when the seed of God is pressed. 126, 267. his work. 234, 267, 438, 480
their opinion concerning justification. 179
223, 266
Apostle. who he is, their number was not limited. and whether any may be nowadays so called. 273
See faith.
they first brought in the doctrine of persecution, upon the account of religion. 421
by what he fell into error. 266
See Remonstrants.
are needful, and what sort. 293, 296, &c. See Worship. they are not to be forsaken. 307
there ten canonics were burnt and why. 372

is one, its definition. 343, 347-349, 351, 352. It is the baptism of Christ and of the Spirit, not of water. 343, 347-354. the baptism of water, which was John's baptism, was a figure of this baptism, and is not to be continued. 343, 348, 353-372
with water doth not cleanse the heart. 347, 357. nor is it a badge of Christianity, as was circumcision to the Jews. 359-360, 371. that Paul was not sent to baptize is explained. 359-361. concerning what baptism Christ speaks, Matt. 28:20. it is explained. 362-363. how the apostles baptized with water is explained. 366-368. to baptize signifies to plunge, and how sprinkling was brought in. 369. those of old, that used water-baptism, were plunged, and they that were only sprinkled were not admitted to an ecclesiastic function, and why. 369. against the use of water-baptism many heretofore have testified. 372
is a mere human tradition. 344, 373
Barclay, William.
the last translations always find fault with the first. 73
the spiritual birth. 61. holy birth. 309. see justification.
Bishop of Rome
concerning his primacy. 53. how he abuseth his authority, and by what he deposeth princes, and absolveth the people from the oath of fidelity. 420, 423
to abstain from blood and things strangled. 373, 402, 405. it hath been shed. 383
Blood of Christ.
see communion.
to bow the body. see head.
Books canonical and apocryphal.
see canon. Scripture.
to bow the knee. see uncover the head.
the breaking of bread among the Jews was no singular thing. 391. it is now other ways performed than it was by Christ. 394. whether unleavened or leavened bread is to be used, also it is hotly disputed about the manner of taking it, and to whom it is to be given. 395-396. see communion.

see Protestants. they deny consubstantiation. 53-54. they maintain absolute reprobation. 54. they think grace is a certain irresistible power, and what sort of a saviour they would have. 153. of the flesh and blood of Christ. 379, 382-383. they use leavened bread in the supper. 395-396
whether the Scripture be a filled up canon. 82. whether it can be proved by Scripture, that any book is canonical. 83-84
banished. 424
see Superstition.
see communion justification,redemption. Word. He showeth himself daily, revealing the knowledge of the Father. 24. without his school there is nothing learned but busy-talking. 25. he is the Eternal Word. 29. No creature hath access to God, but by him. 29-30. he is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. 30. he is Mediator between God and man. 30, 175. he is God, and in time he was made partaker of man's nature. 30. yesterday, today the same, and forever. 48. the Fathers believed in him, and how. 38-39. his sheep hear his voice, and contemn the voice of a stranger. 65, 255, 257. it is the fruit of his ascension, to send pastors. 76. he dwelleth in the saints, and how. 121. his coming was necessary. 123. by his sacrifice we have remission of sins. 123, 157-158, 172-173. whether he be, and how he is in all, is explained. 127. being formed within he is the formal cause of justification. 167, 191. by his life, death, &c. he hath opened a way for reconciliation. 192-194. his obedience, righteousness, death, and sufferings are ours, and it is explained, that Paul said, he filled up that, which was behind of the afflictions of Christ in his flesh. 176. how we are partakers of his suffering. 216. for what end he was manifested. 211-212. he delivers his own by suffering. 318. concerning his outward, and spiritual body. 377-378. concerning his outward and inward coming. 401
how he is a Christian, and when he ceaseth so to be. 22, 27, 41-42, 44-45, 217, 242-243, 245, 253-255. the foundation of his faith. 60-61. his privilege. 61. when men are made Christians by birth, and not by coming together. 234-235. they have borrowed many things from Jews and Gentiles. 344-345. they recoil by little and little from their first purity. 399. the primitive Christians for some ages said, "We are Christians, we swear not." 463. and, "We are the soldiers of Christ; it is not lawful for us to fight." 473
is made as an art. 27. it is not Christianity without the Spirit. 41-43, 64-65. it would be turned into skepticism. 52, 263. it is placed chiefly in the renewing of the heart. 236. wherein it consists not. 305. what is, and is not the mark thereof. 359, 371. why it is odious to Jews, Turks, and heathens. 381. what would contribute to its commendation. 434
without which there is no salvation, what she is. concerning her members, visibility, profession, degeneration, succession. 231-252. whatsoever is done in the church, without the instinct of the Holy Spirit, is vain and impious. 256. the same may be said of her, that in the schools of Theseus's boat. 275. in her corrections ought to be exercised, and against whom. 409-410. she is more corrupted by the accession of hypocrites. 417. the contentions of the Greek and Latin churches about unleavened or leavened bread in the Supper. 395. the lukewarmness of the Church of Laodicea. 248. there are introduced into the Roman Church no less superstitions and ceremonies than among heathens and Jews. 235
a seal of the old Covenant. 369
270, 274-275, 284-285, 396.
that it is not lawful for Christians to use things superfluous in clothes. 446-449, 477
for what end he was sent. 24-25
the commission of the disciples of Christ, before the work was finished, was more legal than evangelical. 255
the communion of the body and blood of Christ is a spiritual and inward thing. 373. that body, that blood is a spiritual thing, and that it is that heavenly Seed, whereby life and salvation was of old, and is now, communicated. 373-378. how any becomes partaker thereof. 378-380. it is not tied to the ceremony of breaking bread and drinking wine, which Christ used with his disciples. This was only a figure. 375, 380-389. whether that ceremony be a necessary part of the New Covenant, and whether it is to be continued. 389-407. Spiritual communion with God through Christ is obtained. 86
of goods is not brought in by the Quakers. 409, 433-444
see titles.
see Magistrate. its definition, what it is. it is distinguished from the saving Light. 129-131, 408. the good conscience, and the hypocritical. 226. he that acteth contrary to his conscience sinneth, and concerning an erring conscience. 408. what things appertain to conscience. 408. what sort of liberty of conscience is defended. 409. it is the throne of God. 410. it is free from the power of all men. 424
what is man's therein is rather a passion, than an action. 129. Augustine's saying. 129. this is cleared by two examples. 129-130
how and against whom it ought to be exercised. 409-410.
the difference betwixt the new and old Covenant-worship. 49, 292, 315-317, 357-358. see also Gospel. Law.
the sign of the cross. 372.

see Plays.
whether any be holy, and concerning the day, commonly called the Lord's day. 294, 389
see Adam, redemption. it entered into the world by sin. 94-95. in the saints it is rather a passing from death to life. 95
he cares not at all how much God be acknowledged with the mouth, provided he be worshipped in the heart. 27, 154-155. he can form an outward sound of words. 36. he haunts among the wicked. 211. how he can be a minister of the Gospel. 266-267. when he can work nothing. 313-314. he keeps men in outward signs, shadows, and forms, while they neglect the Substance. 382-384, 396
the dispute of the shoemaker with a certain professor. 262-264. of an heathen philosopher with a bishop in the council of Nice, and of the unlettered clown. 262-265
school-divinity. 253. how pernicious it is. 264-268.
see Faith, Miracles.

there is a spiritual and a bodily ear. 25, 37
is celebrated other ways in the Latin Church than in the Eastern. 53. the celebration of it is grounded upon tradition. 53
34, 274
Elector of Saxony.
the scandal given by him. 338
your eminency. see Titles.
walked with God. 217
see James, John, Peter.
or books of moral philosophy are not needful to Christians. 264
who he is, and whether any nowadays may be so called. 272-274
your excellency. see Titles.

its definition, and what its object is. 34-36. how far, and how, appearances, outward voices, and dreams were the object of the saints' faith. 36. that faith is one, and that the object of faith is one. 38. its foundation. 60-61. see Revelation, Scripture.
see knowledge, revelation.
(so called) they did not agree about some books of the Scripture. 64, 73. they affirm that there are whole verses taken out of Mark and Luke. 30. concerning the Septuagint interpretation, and the Hebrew copy. 74. they preached universal redemption for the first four centuries. 111. they frequently used the word "merit" in their doctrine. 203-204. concerning the possibility of not sinning. 222-223. the possibility of falling from grace. 225. many of them did not only contradict one another, but themselves also. 266. concerning baptism and the sign of the cross. 371. concerning an oath. 457
concerning the washing of one another's feet. 392-394
the gospel ought to be preached freely. 230, 277-280

see Plays.
Gifted brethren.
how he hath always manifested himself. 21. unless he speak within, the preacher makes a rustling to no purpose. 24-26. None can know him aright, unless he receive it of the Holy Ghost. 24-26. God is to be sought within. 27. he is known by sensation, and not by mere speculation and syllogistic demonstrations. 25-26. he is the Fountain, root, and Beginning of all good works, and he hath made all things by his eternal word. 29. God speaking is the object of faith. 35. among all, he hath his own chosen ones. 23. he delights not in the death of the wicked. see redemption. he hath manifested his love in sending his Son. 172-173, 192-193. see Justification. he rewards the good works of his children. 203-204. whether it be possible to keep his commandments. 205-207. he is the Lord, and the only judge of the conscience. 407, 410. he will have a free exercise. 417
see redemption. the truths of it are as lies in the mouths of profane and carnal men. 32, 45-46. the nature of it is explained. 46-49. it is distinguished from the law, and is more excellent than it. 48-49, 67. see Covenant. Law. whether any ought to preach it in this or that place is not found in Scripture. 69, 251-252. its works are distinguished from the works of the law. 198. how it is to be propagated, and of its propagation. 411. the worship of it is inward. 358. it is an inward power. 146-147
The grace of God can be lost through disobedience. 223, &c. saving grace (see redemption) which is required in the calling and qualification of a minister. see Minister. in some it worketh in a special and prevalent manner, that they necessarily obtain salvation. 131-132. Your Grace. see Titles.

Hai Ebn Yokdan.
laying on of hands. 252, 403
of uncovering the head in salutations. 432, 434, 444
the heart is deceitful and wicked. 70, 88-90
albeit they were ignorant of the history, yet they were sensible of the loss by the fall. 164. some Heathens would not swear. 463. heathenish ceremonies were brought into the Christian religion. 371
the fourth, King of France. 420
whence they proceeded. 305
see Priest.
History of Christ.
see Quakers, redemption.
Holy of holies.
the high priest entered into it once a year. 34. but now all of us at all times have access unto God. 49
your holiness. see titles.
see titles.
413, 417

292, 306. whence it proceeded. 344
see mechanics.
see sin.
spiritual iniquities, or wickedness. 305
where that doth not teach, words without, do make a noise to no purpose. 23-24

James the apostle.
there were of old divers opinions concerning his epistle. 65
see plays. games.
see sect Ignatian.
see Christ. what it is to be saved, and to be assembled in his name. 157-158, 194, 298
among them there may be members of the church. 232. their error concerning the outward succession of Abraham. 241-242. their worship is outward. 358
the apostle. concerning his second and third epistles, and the Revelation there were sometime divers opinions. 65
John the Baptist
did not miracles. 251
John Hus
is said to have prophesied. 84
John Knox.
in what respect he was called the Apostle of Scotland. 273
fell from his apostleship. 244. who was his vicar. 257. his ministry was not purely evangelical. 259. he was called immediately of Christ, and who are inferior to him, and plead for him as patron of their ministry. 259
the doctrine thereof is and hath been greatly vitiate among the Papists. and wherein they place it. 170-171, 189-190. Luther and the Protestants with good reason opposed this doctrine, though many of them ran soon into another extreme. and wherein they place it. and that they agree in one. 170-171. it comes from the love of God. 172, 192-193. to justify signifies to make really just, not to repute just, which many Protestants are forced also to acknowledge. 176, 185-190. the revelation of Christ formed in the heart is the formal cause of justification, not works (to speak properly), which are only an effect, and so also many Protestants have said. 170-172, 175-176, 186-189. We are justified in works, and how. 167, 176-177, 195-204. this is so far from being a Popish doctrine, that Bellarmine and others opposed it. 168-169, 178, 201-203

Kingdom of God.
320, 403, 411
the height of man's happiness is placed in the true knowledge of God. 20-21. error in the entrance of this knowledge is dangerous. 19-20. superstition, idolatry, and thence atheism hath proceeded from the false and feigned opinions concerning God and the knowledge of him. 19-20. the uncertain knowledge of God is divers ways attained, but the true and certain only by the inward and immediate revelation of the Holy Spirit. 23-25. it hath been brought out of use, and by what devices. 27. there is no knowledge of the Father but by the Son, nor of the Son but by the Spirit. 21, 28-33. the knowledge of Christ, which is not by the revelation of his Spirit in the heart, is no more the knowledge of Christ, than the prattling of a parrot, which hath been taught a few words, may be said to be the voice of a man. 32-33

270, 275-276
275, 396
Lake of Bethsaida.
the law is distinguished from the gospel. 48, 358. the difference thereof. 48, 215-216. see Gospel. under the law the people were not in any doubt, who should be priests and ministers. 241. see Minister of the law. Worship.
what true learning is. 260-261
the letter killeth, quickeneth not. 215
the innate Light is explained by Cicero. 163-164
Light of nature.
the errors of the Socinians and Pelagians, who exalt this light, are rejected. 85-86.
Saving Light
(see redemption) is universal: it is in all. 115-116. it is a spiritual and heavenly principle. 120. it is a substance, not an accident. 121-122. it is supernatural and sufficient. 140, 144. it is the Gospel preached in every creature. 145-146. it is the Word, nigh in the mouth and in the heart. 146-147. it is the ingrafted Word, able to save the soul. 151. testimonies of Augustine and Buchanan concerning this Light. 166-167. it is not any part of nature, or relics of the Light, remaining in Adam after the fall. 125. it is distinguished from the Conscience. 126-127. it is not a common gift, as the heat of the fire, and outward light of the sun, as a certain preacher said. 156. it may be resisted. 117, 120, 128, 223-224. by this Light, or Seed, Grace and Word of God, he invites all, and calls them to salvation. 148-149. none of those, to whom the history of Christ is preached, are saved, but by the inward operation of this Light. 150-155. it is small in the first manifestation, but it groweth. 151. it is slighted by the Calvinists, Papists, Socinians and Arminians, and why. 152-153. none can put it to silence. 153. there are and may be saved by the operation thereof, who are ignorant of the history of Christ. 96-97, 118, 124, 151, 155-163. an answer to the objection, that "none can be saved but in the name of Jesus Christ." 158-161
humane literature is not at all needful. 260, &c.
295, 313
there is one Lord. 38
of a love-feast. 398-399
(see Protestants) they affirm consubstantiation. 53. of the flesh and blood of Christ. 381. they use unleavened bread in the supper. 395

concerning his power in things purely religious, and that he hath no authority over the conscience. 407-427. nor ought he to punish according to church censure. 410. concerning the present magistrates of the Christian world. 473-474
your Majesty. see titles.
(see Knowledge). his spirit knoweth the things of a man, and not the things of God. 31. the carnal man esteemeth the gospel truths as lies. 32. and in that state he can not please God. 42. the new man and the old. 61, 121. the natural man can not discern spiritual things. as to the first Adam he is fallen and degenerate. 61, 77, 84, 93-95. his thoughts of God, and divine things, in the corrupt state, are evil and unprofitable. 85. nothing of Adam's sin is imputed to him, until by evildoing he commit his own. 97, 93-95. in the corrupt state he hath no will, or light capable, of itself, to manifest spiritual things. 88-92, 174. he can not, when he will, procure to himself tenderness of heart. 129. whatsoever he doth, while he doth it not by, in, and through the power of God, he is not approved of God. 310-311. how the inward man is nourished. 373-379. how his understanding can not be forced by sufferings. and how his understanding is changed. 416-417
291, 295, 313, 339
274. they contributed much to the Reformation. 276
what it is to make merchandise with the Scriptures. 266-267
see Justification.
of the Gospel. it is not found in Scripture if any be called. 68, 251-252. Teachers are not to go before the teaching of the Spirit. 76. the Popish and Protestant errors concerning the grace of a minister are rejected. 85. they are given for the perfection of the saints, &c. 212. concerning their call, and wherein it is placed. 230, 237-251. qualities. 230, 253-267. Orders, and distinction of laity and clergy. 260-276. of separating men for the ministry. 274-275. concerning the sustentation and maintenance of ministers and their abuse. of the idleness, riot, and cruelty of ministers. 230, 275-286. what kind of ministry and ministers the Quakers are for, and what sort their adversaries are for. 287-289, 293-294
Minister of the law.
there was no doubtfulness concerning them under the law. 238, 258-259. their ministry was not purely spiritual, and, while they performed it, they behoved to be purified from their outward pollutions, as now those under the Gospel from their inward. 238-239, 258-259
whether they be needful to those, who place their faith in objective revelation. 36-37, 251
162, 315, 318, 344, 375
prohibited all discourse and reason about religion. 425. he was an impostor. 127
see Anabaptists. their mischievous actings. 51
of iniquity. 270, 371

Name of the Lord.
363, 364. to anoint in the name of the Lord. 402
faith had neither the Scripture, nor the prophecy of those going before him. 35. it is said of him that he was a perfect man. 27
of using the singular number to one person. 441-443

that it is not lawful to swear. 432, 454-466, 477
is better than sacrifice. 69
of faith. see faith.
to anoint with oil. 374, 402, 405
sealing ordinance. 346

the rule of their faith. 53. they are forced ultimately to recur unto the immediate and inward revelations of the Holy Spirit. 60. what difference there is betwixt the cursed deeds of those of Münster and theirs. 54-55, 57. they have taken away the second commandment in their Catechism. 73-74. they make philosophy the handmaid of divinity. 77. they exalt too much the natural power. & what they think of the saving Light. 152. their doctrine concerning justification is greatly vitiate. 170. concerning their manners and ceremonies. 235-236, 244-245, 249-250. their literature and studies. 261. of the modern apostles and evangelists. 273. whom they exclude from the ministry. 274. they must be sure of so much a year, before they preach. 278. they do not labour. 285. the more moderate and sober of them exclaim against the excessive revenues of the clergy. 281. their worship can easily be stopped. 313. albeit they say none are saved without water baptism, yet they allow an exception. 353. of baptism. 369-370. of the flesh and blood of Christ. 378-383. of an oath. 456
of the talents. 140, 146. of the vineyard entrusted. 135. of the Sower. 143-144. of the tares. 413
Paschal Lamb.
the end thereof. 385
377, 385
86. how we differ from them. 128-130, 372. see light of nature.
denied that man gets an evil seed from Adam, and ascribes all to the will and nature of men. He said, that man could attain unto a state of not sinning, by his mere natural strength, without the grace of God. 222
upon the account of religion. 407-429. see Magistrate.
the grace of God may be lost through disobedience. 207, 223-229. yet such a stability may, in this life, be attained, from which there can not be a total apostasy. 208, 221, 227-229
whether he was at Rome. 53. he was ignorant of Aristotle's logic. 77. there were of old divers opinions concerning his second epistle. 65
345, 390
the heathen philosopher was brought to the Christian faith by an illiterate rustic. 264
253, 263
whether it be lawful to use them. 430, 432, 449-452, 477
the disciple of John. 53
to pray for remission of sins. 222. concerning the Lord's prayer. 306. to pray without the Spirit is to offend God. 311, 332. concerning the prayer of the will in silence. 319. see worship.
the prayers of the people were in the Latin tongue. 261
see Minister.
what it is termed. the preaching of the Word. 267, 273, 293. to preach without the Spirit is to offend God. 311. see worship. it is a permanent institution. 361. it is learned as another trade. 274
God hath after a special manner predestinated some to salvation, of whom if the places of Scripture, which some abuse, be understood, their objections are easily solved. 131
under the law God spake immediately to the high priest. 34, 49
see Minister of the law. 238-239, 259, 278
an outward profession is necessary, that any be a member of a particular Christian Church. 233
and to prophesy what it signifies. 271-272. of the liberty of prophesying. 272
some prophets did not miracles. 250-251
the rule of their faith. 52-53. they are forced ultimately to recur unto the immediate and inward revelations of the Holy Spirit. 60. what difference betwixt the execrable deeds of those of Münster and theirs. 54-57. they make philosophy the handmaid of divinity. 77. they affirm John Hus prophesied of the Reformation, that was to be. 84. whether they did not throw themselves into many errors, while they were expecting a greater light? 115. they opposed the Papists not without good cause in the doctrine of justification, but they soon ran into another extreme. 171-172. they say, that the best works of the saints are defiled. 176. whether there be any difference between them and the Papists in superstitions and manners, and what it is. 235-236, 249-250. what they think of the call of a minister. 239-244, 249-252. it's lamentable that they betake them to Judas for a patron to their ministers and ministry. 258-259. their zeal and endeavours are praised. 261. of their school-divinity. 264-266. of the apostles and evangelists of this time. 272-273. whom they exclude from the ministry. 275-276. that they preach to none, until they be first sure of so much a year. 278. the more moderate of them exclaim against the excessive revenues of the clergy. 281. though they had forsaken the bishop of Rome, yet they would not part with old benefices. 284. they will not labour. 285. whether they have made a perfect reformation in worship? 290-291. their worship can easily be stopped. 313-314. they have given great scandal to the reformation. 339. they deny water baptism to be absolutely necessary to salvation. 353. of water baptism. 370-372. of the flesh & blood of Christ. 378-379. they use not washing of feet. 394. how they did vindicate liberty of conscience. 419. some affirm that wicked kings and magistrates ought to be deposed, yea killed. 420. how they meet, when they have not the consent of the magistrate. 427. of oaths and swearing. 454-455
singing of psalms. 341-342

i.e., Tremblers, and why so called. 155, 302. they are not contemners of the Scriptures, and what they think of them. 62, 63-64, 75-78, 81-83, 124. nor of reason, & what they think of it. 125-126. they do not say that all other secondary means of knowledge are of no service. 28. they do not compare themselves to Jesus Christ, as they are falsely accused. 120-121. Nor do they deny those things, that are written in the holy Scriptures concerning Christ, his conception, &c. 122. they were raised up of God to show forth the truth. 115, 153-154, 166-167, 267, 320. their doctrine of justification is not Popish. 168, 176, 194, 202. they are not against meditation. 310. their worship can not be interrupted. 313. and what they have suffered. 313-314. how they vindicate liberty of conscience. 426-427. they do not persecute others. 429. Their adversaries confess that they are found for the most part free from the abominations which abound among others, yet they count those things vices in them, which in themselves they extol as notable virtues, and make more noise about the escape of one Quaker, than of a hundred among themselves. 430-431. they destroy not the mutual relation that is betwixt prince and people, master and servant, father & son, nor do they introduce community of goods. 433-434. Nor say, that one man may not use the creation more or less than another. 434

the blasphemy of the Ranters or Libertines, saying, that there is no difference betwixt good and evil. 214
what need we set up corrupt reason. 45. concerning reason. 54, 125-126
how reconciliation with God is made. 178-183
see Plays.
is considered in a twofold respect. First, performed by Christ without us, and secondly, wrought in us. 173-175. it is universal. God gave his only-begotten Son Jesus Christ for a Light, that whosoever believeth in him may be saved. 96-97, 139-140. the benefit of his death is not less universal than the seed of sin. 96. there is scarce found any article of the Christian religion that is so expressly confirmed in the holy Scriptures. 104-110. this doctrine was preached by the Fathers (so-called) of the first 600 years, and is proved by the sayings of some. 110-111. those that, since the time of the Reformation, have affirmed it, have not given a clear testimony how that benefit is communicated to all, nor have sufficiently taught the truth, because they have added the absolute necessity of the outward knowledge of the history of Christ, yea they have thereby given the contrary party a stronger argument to defend their precise decree of reprobation, among whom were the Remonstrants of Holland. 97-98, 113-114. God hath now raised up a few illiterate men to be dispensers of this Truth. 114-115, 153-154. this doctrine showeth forth the mercy and justice of God. 116-118, 131-132. it is the foundation of salvation. 116. it answers to the whole tenor of the Gospel promises and threats. 116. it magnifies and commends the merits and death of Christ. 116. it exalts above all the grace of God. 116. it overturns the false doctrine of the Pelagians, Semipelagians and others, who exalt the light of nature, and the freedom of man's will. 117. it makes the salvation of man solely to depend upon God, and his condemnation wholly and in every respect to be of himself. 117. it takes away all ground of despair, and feeds none in security. 117. it commends the Christian religion among infidels. 117. it showeth the wisdom of God. 117. and it is established, though not in words, yet by deeds, even by those ministers, that oppose this doctrine. 117-118. it derogates not from the atonement and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, but doth magnify and exalt it. 122. there is given to every one (none excepted) a certain day and time of visitation, in which it is possible for them to be saved. 119, 136-138. the testimony of Cyril concerning this thing. 141-142. it is explained what is understood, and not understood, by this day. 119. to some it may be longer, to others shorter. 119. many may outlive this their day of visitation, after which there is no possibility of salvation to them. 119. some examples are alleged. 119. the objections, and those places of Scripture, which others abuse, to prove that God incites men necessarily to sin, are easily solved, if they be applied to these men, after the time of their visitation is past. 119, 132-133. there is given to every one a measure of the Light, seed, Grace, and Word of God, whereby they can be saved. 115-116, 131, 138-149. which is also confirmed by the testimonies of Cyril and others. 141-143, 147-149. what that Light is, see Light. many, though ignorant of the outward history, yet have been sensible of the loss, that came by Adam, which is confirmed by the testimonies of Plato and others. 163-165. many have known Christ within as a remedy to redeem them, though not under that denomination, witness Seneca, Cicero, and others. 163-165. yet all are obliged to believe the outward history of Christ, to whom God bringeth the knowledge of it. 123
wherein it is not placed. 239-240. mechanic men have contributed much to it. 275-276. what hath been pernicious to it. 383
see Quakers.
the Christian religion, see Christianity. how it is made odious to Jews, Turks, and heathens. 381
of Holland. see Arminians, redemption. they deny absolute reprobation. 54. how we differ from them. 130. they exalt too much the natural power and free will of man, and what they think of the saving Light. 153. their worship can easily be stopped. 314-315
see also redemption. what absolute reprobation is, is described. 100-101. its doctrine is horrible, impious and blasphemous. 98, 107-108. it is also so called by Lucas Osiander. 112. 'tis a new doctrine, and Augustine laid the first foundation thereof, which Dominicus, Calvin, and the Synod of Dort maintained. 99, 114-116. also Luther, whom notwithstanding the Lutherans afterwards deserted. 112. it is injurious to God, and makes him the author of sin: proved by the sayings of Calvin, Beza, Zanchi, Pareus, Martin, Zwingli and Piscator. 99-101. it makes the preaching of the Gospel a mere mock and illusion. 102. it makes the coming of Christ and his propitiatory sacrifice to have been a testimony of God's wrath. 102-103. it is injurious to mankind, and makes his condition worse than the condition of devils, beasts, Jews under Pharaoh, and the same, which the poets applied to Tantalus. 103
God always manifested himself by the revelations of the Spirit. 21, 30-32, 58. they are made several ways. 21. they have been always the formal object of faith, and so remain. 21, 33-45. and that not only subjectively, but also objectively. 47-50. they are simply necessary unto true faith. 21, 51, 61. they are not uncertain. 51-53. yea it is horrible sacrilege to accuse them of uncertainty. 44. the examples of the Anabaptists of Münster do not a whit weaken this doctrine. 51, 54-57. they can never contradict the holy Scripture nor sound reason. 22, 58, 78-79. they are evident and clear of themselves, nor need they another's testimony. 22, 58-59. they are the only, sure, certain, and unmovable foundation of all Christian faith. 60-61. carnal Christians judge them nothing necessary, yea they are hissed out by the most part of men. 22. of old none were esteemed Christians, save those, that had the Spirit of Christ, but nowadays he is termed an heretic, who affirms that he is led by it. 22. the testimonies of some, concerning the necessity of these revelations. 23-25, 43-45. by whose and what devices they have been brought out of use. 27
see war. 466-467
of faith and manners. see Scripture.
the poor rustic's answer given to the proud prelate. 249. he brought a philosopher unto the Christian faith. 264-265

of their number, nature, &c how much contention there hath been, and that the word "sacrament" is not found in Scripture, but borrowed from the heathens. 344-346, 371. its definition will agree to many other things. 346. whether they confer grace. 404-405
without the church there is no salvation. 231-232
the woman of Samaria. 386
see justification.
the Elector of Saxony. of the scandal he gave to the Reformation, by being present at the Mass. 338-339
without the school of Christ nothing is learned, but mere talk, and a shadow of knowledge. 24-27. whether public schools be necessary. 261-262
Scriptures of Truth.
whence they proceeded, and what they contain. 62. they are a declaration of the Fountain, and not the Fountain itself. 62. they are not to be esteemed the adequate primary rule of faith and manners, but a secondary, and subordinate to the Spirit, and why. 62-83, 251-252. their certainty is only known by the Spirit. 62-63, 233. they testify that the Spirit is given to the saints for a guide. 62, 74, 79-82. their authority depends not upon the Church, or Council, nor upon their intrinsic virtue, but upon the Spirit, nor is it subjected to the corrupt reason of men, but to the Spirit. 63, 75-76. the testimonies of Calvin, the French churches, the synod of Dort, and the divines of Great Britain at Westminster concerning this thing. 63-64. the contentions of those that seek the certainty of the Scriptures from something else than the Spirit 63. divers opinions of the Fathers (so-called) concerning some books. 63-64. concerning the taking away, and the corruption of some places, the translation, transcription, & various lections of the Hebrew character & of the Greek books, the interpretation of the Septuagint, concerning the Hebrew books, & of admitting or rejecting some books. 73-75. of the difficulty in their explanation. 78-79. Augustine's judgment concerning the authors of the canonic books, and concerning the transcription and interpretation. 75. the use of them is very profitable & comfortable. 65, 75-76. the unlearned & unstable abuse them. 77. there is no necessity of believing the Scripture to be a filled up canon. 82. many canonic books through the injury of time lost. 83. whether it can be proved by Scripture, that any book is canonical. 82. they were sometime as a sealed book. 262. to understand them there is need of the help and revelation of the holy Spirit. 23-25. no man can make himself a doctor of them, but the Holy Spirit. 25
the Ignatian sect loveth literature. 262. they call those that are sent unto India, apostles. 273
of righteousness. 309. the seed of sin. see sin, redemption.
their axiom Facienti quod in se est Deus non denegat gratiam. 112
whether it be lawful to say, I am your humble servant. 440
he disputes with the professor. 262-264
see worship.
Simon Magus.
see Adam, justification. it shall not have dominion over the saints. 67. the seed of sin is transmitted from Adam unto all men, but it is imputed to none, no not to infants, except they actually join with it by sinning. 84-85, 92-96. and this seed is often called "death." 95. Original sin. Of this phrase the Scripture makes no mention. 95-96. by virtue of the sacrifice of Christ we have remission of sins. 124-125, 174. forgiveness of sin among the Papists. 170. a freedom from actual sin is obtained, both when, and how, and that many have attained unto it. 206-223. every sin weakens a man in his spiritual condition, but doth not destroy him altogether. 207. it is one thing not to sin, another thing not to have sin. 216-217. whatsoever is not done through the power of God is sin. 310.
of Psalms. 341-342
see natural light. their rashness is reproved. 42. they think reason is the chief rule and guide of faith. 40-41 albeit many have abused reason, yet they do not say that any ought not to use it, and how ill they argue against the inward and immediate revelations of the Holy Spirit. 52-54. yet they are forced ultimately to recur unto them. 61. they exalt too much their natural power, & what they think of the saving Light. 152. their worship can easily be stopped. 130
Son of God.
see Christ, knowledge, revelation.
the soul hath its senses as well as the body. 25-26. by what it is strengthened and fed. 310, 383-384
the holy Spirit. see knowledge, communion, revelation. Scriptures. unless the Spirit sit upon the heart of the hearer, in vain is the discourse of the doctor. 22-23, 25. the Spirit of God knoweth the things of God. 31. without the Spirit none can say that Jesus is the Lord. 26, 33-34. he rested upon the 70 elders and others. 34. he abideth with us forever. 40. he teacheth and bringeth all things to remembrance, and leads into all Truth. 40-41, 45-47, 62. he differs from the Scriptures. 40-42. he is God. 40. he dwelleth in the saints. 41-46. without the Spirit Christianity is no Christianity. 42, 52-53, 65. whatsoever is to be desired in the Christian faith is ascribed to him. 42-44. by this Spirit, we are turned unto God, and we triumph in the midst of persecutions. 42. he quickens, &c. 43. an observable testimony of Calvin concerning the Spirit. 43-45, 63-64. it is the fountain and origin of all Truth and right reason. 58. it gives the belief of the Scriptures, which may satisfy our consciences. 64. his testimony is more excellent than all reason. 64. he is the chief and principal Guide. 74. he reasoneth with and striveth in men. 133. those that are led by the Spirit love the Scriptures. 75-76, 233. he is, as it were, the soul of the church, and what is done without him is vain and impious. 255-256. he is the Spirit of order and not of disorder. 267-268. such as the Spirit sets apart to the ministry are heard of their brethren. 270. it is the earnest of our inheritance. 231
iniquities. 304-305. spiritual discerning. 413
spake by the Spirit. 43
How Paul filled up that which was behind of the afflictions of Christ. how any is made partaker of the sufferings of Christ, and conformable to his death. 175-176, 216
290-292 whence superstitions sprung. 305, 344, 371
see communion, bread. it was of old administered even to little children and infants. 404-405

one talent is not at all unsufficient, of itself. the parable of the talents. 144. those that improved their talents well are called good and faithful servants. 196. he that improved well his two talents was nothing less accepted than he that improved his five. 207
see plays.
was instructed by the poor laic. 253. he tasted of the love of God. 295
see Spirit.
his boat. 275
Thomas à Kempis.
were assigned to the Levites, but not to the ministers of this day. 277-278
it is not at all lawful for Christians to use those titles of honor, Majesty, &c. 432, 434-442, 476
the knowledge of tongues is laudable. 253, 261-262
how unsufficient it is to decide. 53. it is not a sufficient ground for faith. 405
see Bible.
there is a difference betwixt what one saith of the Truth, and that which the Truth itself, interpreting itself, saith. 24. Truth is not hard to be arrived at, but is most nigh. 24
among them there may be members of the church. 232

outward voices. see faith, miracles.

that it is not lawful for Christians to resist evil, nor wage war. 432, 466-476
Washing of feet.
a woman can preach. 270, 276-277. Luther also. 241
the Eternal Word is the Son. It was in the beginning with God, and was God: it is Jesus Christ, by whom God created all things. 29, 121. what Augustine read in the writings of the Platonists concerning this Word. 165
are either of the Law, or of the Gospel. 197. see justification.
what the true and acceptable worship to God is, and how it is offered, and what the superstitious and abominable is. 289-290, &c. the true worship was soon corrupted and lost. 291. concerning the worship done in the time of the apostasy. 295, 332. of what worship is here handled, and of the difference of the worship of the old and new Covenant. 292, 315-317. the true worship is neither limited to times, places, nor persons & it is explained how this is to be understood. 289, 292-294, 322-323, 330-332, 358. concerning the Lord's day, and the days upon which worship is performed. 294-295. of the public and silent worship, and its excellency. 296-324. of preaching. 324-329. of prayer. 329-341. of singing of psalms, and music. 341-342. what sort of worship the Quakers are for, and what sort their adversaries. 343


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