Dilwyn, George. Occasional Reflections, Offered Principally for the Use of Schools. Burlington, N.J.: Printed for the Author, by David Allinson, 1815, pages 3-28.

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All human excellence is comparative.

Acquire virtuous habits.
Avoid idleness.
Associate with the wise.
Avoid all extremes.
Accuse not the absent.
A nimble tongue often trips.
All virtues harmonize.

A clear conscience fears no accusation.
An upright pillar will bear a great weight.
A timely kindness is a double good.
An honest man is such without a law.

Affliction is the school of wisdom.
A good life is sound philosophy.
Affectation invites ridicule.

A clear conscience is health to the soul.
A suspicious mind is a vexatious companion.
Attach no reproach to mere poverty.

A giddy head makes bad steerage.

Anger is a real approach to insanity.
All who swim in sin, must sink in sorrow.

A virtuous mind loathes flattery.
A will subdued prepares for good.

A good end warrants not the use of bad means.

A vain mind is dangerously ill.

Asseveration does not always remove doubt.
An evil mind is naturally suspicious.

A blank is better than a falsehood.
Anger should never punish.
Avoid all affectation.
A bad example is infectious.
Avoid hasty promises.
Avarice is insatiable.
Assert with caution.

Ambition is the torch of discord.
A faithful friend is invaluable.
A good man's talk is in his walk
A man of sense declines offence.
Anger restrained, is conquest gained.
All is not gained that is gathered.
Accustom thyself to method.

A good education is a fair portion.
A Judge is guilty who connives at guilt.
A covetous person is always in want.
Adversity is the criterion of friendship.
A tale-bearer is the hawker of mischief.
A dangerous coast requires a skillful pilot.
Abundance seldom lessens our wants.
A well-spent day prepares for sweet repose.
A quiet conscience is the balm of life.
A frugal plenty marks the wise man's board.
A bad promise is better broken than kept.


Be not generous at the expense of justice.

By obedience, men learn to govern.
Be not proud even of well-doing.
Banquet not upon borrowing.
Be more ready to hear than to speak.
Be deaf to detraction.
Blame no one unheard.
Be not ungrateful.

By giving way to sin, afflictions enter in.

Be rather despised than criminal.
Bad company ruins many.
Beware of groundless suspicion.
Be careful of thy reputation.
Beasts of prey, shun the day.
Be firm in a good cause.

Be more in substance than in show.

Beauty without virtue often proves a snare.
Bad is the condition that loathes admonition.

Be cautious in forming connections.
Barter not peace for pleasure.
Be courteous to all.
Be not hasty to judge.
Be slow in designing.
Blame with reluctance.
Be slow to censure.
Beauty soon fades.

Bad actions mostly lead to worse.
Be steady in virtuous pursuits.
Borrow not of future time.
Be content with a competency.
Beware of parties and factions.
Benevolence expands the mind.
Be sure to prize time as it flies.

Boasting is one mark of a coward.

Be willing to do well without praise.
Be cautious in thy choice of books.
Buy not repentance with thy money.
Be more ready to censure thyself than others.

Contentment is true riches.

Charity is the spring of all moral virtue.
Civility softens social intercourse.
Cheerfulness is the privilege of innocence.
Custom without reason is ancient error.
Charity makes the best it can of every thing.
Corrupt speech indicates a distempered mind.
Censure often springs from impatience.
Confession of sin without amendment, obtains no pardon.

Conscience neither flatters nor deceives.

Counsel, to be effectual, should be seasonable.
Contempt leaves a deeper scar than anger.

Confidence is essential to friendship.
Covetous minds naturally fear want.
Courtesy engages esteem.
Contend not against right.
Contemn not the poor.
Condemn no man unheard.
Contradict with caution.
Clean hearts make clear heads.

Confine thy studies to what is useful.
Conquest is often gained by suffering.
Crafty persons often cheat themselves.
Charity, though forbearing, is not blind.
Count well the cost of what thou doest.
Connivance makes us parties to error.
Contend not eagerly about trifles.

Change not an old friend for a new acquaintance.
Constancy in friendship denotes a generous mind.
Corrected error serves for a way-mark.
Contrivers of mischief often entrap themselves.
Cheap things, if unnecessary, are too dear.

Diligence is productive.
Do well and boast not.

Devotion in solitude is most likely to be true.

Do thy best, and leave the rest.

Difficulties are often increased by mismanagement.

Denying a fault doubles it.

Diseases are more easily prevented than cured.
Delay often frustrates good designs.
Devotion is a refuge from human frailty.

Distrust is the bane of friendship.

Desire rather to be innocent than to appear so.
Diffidence and caution are preservatives from error.

Dare to be right.
Despise no man.
Deride not infirmities.
Divulge not a secret.

Discretion is a cardinal virtue.
Depend not on the stores of others.
Doubt often precedes certainty.
Disdain not thy inferiors.
Debate not with temptation.

Doubts should not excite contention, but inquiry.
Deviations from rectitude are approaches to sin.
Duplicity and friendship are not congenial.
Dispute not merely for argument-sake.
Diamonds appear to most advantage in the dark

Endeavour to improve.
Example is powerful.
Exercise invigorates

Examine motives rather than effects.
Experience is an able counsellor.

Excess is always hurtful.

Equality of condition is pleasant.
Extravagance in apparel is a costly folly.
Every moment subtracts from what it adds to our lives.
Expect not an exemption from trouble.
Education is an important charge.
Enforce not truth by asseveration.
Enrich not thyself by oppression.

Engrave mercies in gratitude.
Exercise promotes health.

Enumerate thy own, but not another's faults.
Every deviation from virtue is an approach to vice.
Encouragement increases with success.
Enmity is not less poisonous than prolifick.
Early rising is an important habit.
Economy and method maintain order.

Example enforces precept.
Every day has its duty.

Ever consider adulation as apocryphal.

Economy is better than an income.
Egotism is disgusting.

Envy denotes a sickly mind.
Experience is a convincing teacher.
Evil company is seducing.
Early piety is often permanent.
Every morning is a new mercy.
Earthly cares have many snares.

Equivocation is a sneaking vice.
Evenness of temper has many advantages.
Eat salt with the wise rather than sugar with flatterers.

Frugality is a good revenue.
Fulfil thy just engagements.
Few are innocently idle.
Fresh air is a free benefit.

Flatterers are put to flight by adversity.
Few persons do always as they would be done by.
Friendship doubles our joys and divides our griefs.
Forgive anyone sooner than thyself.
Familiar thoughts of death abate its terrors.
Form is good, but not formality.

From slanderers turn away.

Fear as much to take as to give offence.
Few know the value of friend till they lose him.

Fear attends guilt.

Flattery to an ingenious mind is loathsome.
Fret not at disappointments.

Fashion is aptly comparable to all ignis fatuus.

Feasts often produce fasts.
Fly from the allurements of vice.

Flattery is the food of vanity.
Folly exclaims against its own faults in others.
Frequent transgression makes men slaves to sin.
Favourites are generally objects of envy.
Fair appearances sometimes cover foul minds.
Familiarity with the vicious fosters vice.
From evil things and vain, strive ever to refrain.
Filial affection is the balm of age.
Forced happiness is a solecism in terms.


Good seldom comes of ill gotten pelf.

Grasp not at shadows.

Good works are of a high origin.
Good men pass by offences, and shun revenge.
Good offices are the cement of society.
Good examples are convincing teachers.
Gradual progression often out-travels bustling hast .
Garnish not thy commendations with flattery.
Good pilots gain much of their reputation from storms.

Grudge not in giving.
Guard against passion.
Give not to be seen.
Grieve not in murmurs.
Goodness only is true greatness
Go not to sleep in malice.
Gold may be bought too dear.
Gentleness is amiable.

Give as thou wouldest receive.
Good manners engage respect.
Guilt embitters affliction.
Guilt starts at its own shadow.
Gloss not thy imperfections.
Great freshets cleanse foul shores.

Goodness, not greatness, doth the mind improve.
Great minds with small means, ruin many.
Great debates often grow out of trifles.
Glean not in the fields of the envious.

Hope is a cheering companion.

He is a wise man who knows his own heart.
Humility is sometimes mistaken for servility.
He runs well who outstrips his own errors.

He who doth his best, doth well.

He who desires to be grateful, is so.
He that presumes much, has much to fear.
Happiness is increased by diffusion.
He who lives to die, will die to live.
He who looks well to himself, never lacks business.
He is tall enough who walks uprightly.

He is not poor who hath enough.
Happiness is not an exotick.
Help the helpless.

Hear patiently, if thou wouldest speak well.
Hope and fear are essentials in religion.
Happy are they whose pleasure is their duty.
He who has virtue of his own, need not boast of his ancestors.
Habituate thyself to useful employments.
He who scoffs at the crooked had need go upright himself
He who has far to go, should not hurry.
He who conquers himself, is a hero indeed.
Humility is a deep which no man can fathom.

Hearts should not, though heads may, differ.
Haste often occasions waste.
High winds try tall trees.
Honesty is better than policy.
Humility is the way to true honour.
Hope is a rich cordial.

High buildings require firm foundations.
He who injures another, injures himself.
Honesty has one face--flattery two.
He must fear many, whom many fear.
Hesitate a little before thou speakest positively.

Hug not thy benefits to death.
Happiness and sin are incompatible.
Happiness is the crown of virtue.
He is not truly rich who covets more.

Humility seeks neither the first place nor the last word.
He that would advance should not look backward.
Honest poverty is better than wealthy fraud.
Hasty resolutions are more easily formed than performed.

High-rigged ships require much ballast.

He is an adept in language, who never deviates from the truth.


In  thy undertakings, consider the motive and the end.
It is a poor soil that yields nothing to culture.
If sensuality were happiness, beasts would be happier than men.

Indolence stupifies the senses.

It is true courage, to shun false pleasure.
In corrupt company, even innocence is unsafe.
Innocent poverty is better than guilty affluence.
It is always term-time in the court of conscience.
It is better to want relief, than a disposition to afford it.

Indolence is an inlet to vice.
Integrity fortifies the mind.
Jest not on serious subjects.

Justice eyes not persons, but the cause.

Ingenious minds conciliate esteem.
Innocence is unsuspecting.
In doubtful cases be deliberate.
Innocence is tranquil.

It is not a bad memory that forgets injuries.
Justice is the first of all moral virtues.

In slander take no part.
Injure not thy conscience.
Judge not hastily.
Innocence loves the light
Insult not the distressed.
In duty's way, avoid delay.
Idleness invites temptation.
Ingratitude is odious.
Judge no one unheard.

In  silence seek the path of peace.
Jest not with sacred things.
Ignorance is often presumptuous.
In all thy actions, aim at right.
Intemperance generates disease.

If thou wouldest triumph, overcome thyself.
It is more safe to be beloved than admired.
Jaundiced eyes see most things yellow.
It is bad gain by which we lose our peace.
Idleness often leads to indigence.
Idleness is the nest in which mischief lays its eggs.

Innocence is a beauteous robe.

If there is a will, there is mostly a way.
It is better to be suspected than to be guilty.

Ignorance is not always error.

Injuries often recoil on the perpetrator.

If thy walk be long, go leisurely.
Improve thy time now  in thy prime.

If thou meanest to advance, eye those before thee.
It is a good condition, that needs ho admonition.
If thou  wouldest disarm sin, resist its first motions.
Justice delayed is little better than justice denied.
It is bad to do the work of wolves in the clothing of sheep.
It is wise, when we know our duty, to do it.


Kindness to dependents engages their respect.

Keen tools require skillful hands.
Kinsfolk should cultivate harmony.
Kindness generates its kind.
Know thyself.
Keep to thy word with care.
Keep within compass.
Knavery is ever suspicious.
Kindness pacifies anger.

Knavery often outwits itself.
Knowledge is often opposed to wisdom.
Kindness neglected makes friendship suspected.

Knots that may be untied, should not be cut.
Knowledge, for the most part, is but the echo of wisdom.
Keep thy copy in view, lest thou repeat thy own errors.
Kind actions are often long remembered.

Kiss the rod, that corrects thy errors.
Keep on good terms with thy conscience.
Knavery often circumvents itself.


Let not injuries provoke thee to retaliate them.

Labour becomes easy by practice.
Let all thy amusements be innocent.
Learning is ornamental.

Laugh not at thy own foibles in another.
Learn nothing that must be unlearned.
Let nothing ever induce thee to utter a falsehood.
Learn to estimate all things by their real usefulness.
Liberality without discretion, is not true generosity.
Learn in silence what thou wouldest make thy own.
Love thy enemies, if thou wouldest be safe from them.

Laziness always wants time.
Labour increases strength.
Live not to thyself only.
Last is not always least.

Live in peace with all men.
Love virtue simply for its own sake.
Let thy vices die before thee.
Let not the sun go down before thy anger.
Let thy narrations be precisely true.
Love and fidelity are inseparable.
Let prudence guard all thy pleasures.
Leave not a certain for uncertain good.
Launch not thy bark in a storm.
Loiter not when time is ahead.

Let no injuries induce thee to commit them.
Let justice hold, and mercy turn the scale.
Laziness is easily overtaken by want.
Life's current holds its course, and ne'er returns.
Learn to live as thou dost wish to die.
Let others faults remind thee of thy own.
Learning should correct our erroneous habits.


Most things are practicable to the willing.
Moderate labour makes rest refreshing.
Many things are valued more for their rarity than their use.
Make not a business of recreation.

Merit shuns applause.

Method in business saves time.
Make not another's quarrels thine.

Mirth at the expence of virtue, is pregnant with woe.

Meddle not where thou hast no business.

Many assume virtue's livery, who shun her service.
Men, like watches, should be valued by their goings.
Many suffer from the fear of suffering.
Modesty and humility are ever engaging.
Moderate exercise increases strength.

Mingle not murmuring with sorrow.
Mix not upbraiding with admonition.

Minds asham'd of poverty, would be proud of affluence.
Many of our wants are imaginary.

Mix not sin with sorrow.
Modesty wins esteem.
Many fall by climbing.

Mediocrity is  the safest state.

Make not haste  to be rich.

Much laughter denotes folly.
Many probabilities prove false.
More have speech than wisdom.
More than enough often runs to waste.
Make no excuse for doing wrong.
Mistake not signs for substance

Men may be judged of  by their associates and books.
Most men have more advantages than they improve.
Many know more of right than they practise.
Malice seldom wants a mark to shoot at.


None but the vicious deride virtue.
Nothing essential to happiness is unattainable.

Never put modesty to the blush.
Negligence exposes us to temptation.
Never promise to do evil.

No solitude is out of the reach of temptation.
No one can willfully injure another without hurting himself.
Neither wealth nor honour can heal a wounded conscience.
Never utter a falsehood even for truth's-sake.

Neglect not a known duty.
Nibble not at temptation.
Noon-day is dark to the blind.

Never indulge a vicious thought, lest into action it be brought.

No one should be weary of well-doing.
Nothing is properly evil, but sin.
Nicety is not always neatness.
No evil thing can be well done.
Nothing injurious can be truly religious.

No one loses his virtue against his will.
Negligence exposes us to temptation.

Neap tides discover dangerous shoals.

None are more rich than those who are content.
No real virtue is distinct from religion.
Nature has provided us with one tongue, but with two ears.


One blot is often a prelude to many.

Overcome evil with good.
Oppress not the poor.
Own what is right in all.

Our real wants are cheaply supplied.

Obliging conduct gains deserved esteem.
Ostentation depreciates even merit.
Of all tame animals, the flatterer is most mischievous.
Our reputation depends much on the company we prefer.
Oaths are often a skreen to knavery.

Of all forms, re-form is  the best.
Offer advice with caution.

Outrage and cunning, are the valour and prudence of brutes.
Oaths naturally produce a plentiful crop of perjuries.

Over-rate nothing mutable.
Observe method in business.
Overbear not the diffident.
Open thy mouth for the dumb.

On willing and nilling much depends.
Obliging behaviour gains respect.
Opposition often strengthens error.

Observe thy own, rather than the mistakes of others.

One error often generates  many.
Our ablest is our nearest friend.
Obstinacy is one sign of a bad cause.
Over-exertion always lessens strength.

Overturners are often involved in the ruins.
One danger sometimes averts another.
Obstinacy is unfavoulable to the discovery of truth.
One crime cannot be a proper remedy for another.
Our deepest knowledge is ourselves to  know.
Ostentatious liberality is its own pay-master.
One vice is more expensive than many virtues.
Open reproof is better than secret disaffection.

Perfection is not the attribute of man.
Plead for the dumb.
Promise with caution.

Prosperity often hides men from themselves.
Punctuality in business engages confidence.
Philosophy should be directed to an improvement in virtue.
Persecution is ill adapted to convincement.

Prove well what thou preferest.

Part not with an old friend for a new acquaintance.

Peace is the companion of virtue.

Prefer useful to ostentatious things.
Passionate tempers are their own torment.
Prosperity gains friends, and adversity tries them.
Peace of mind should be preferred to bodily safety.

Piety is the best panoply.

Passion leaves us weaker than it finds us.
Piety admits not of excessive sorrow.

Patience lightens Affliction.
Prefer substance to shadows.

Patterns are more wanted than precepts.
Precipitation may ruin the best designs.
Prodigality often passes for generosity.
Prefer not foreign vanity to home-discretion.

Pursue useful studies.
Promise not for others.
Parley not with temptation.
Practice lessens difficulty.
Prefer not wit to solid sense.
Profusion leads to penury.

Prepare to meet death as a friend.

Prescribe not to thy physician.

Put not out to sea in a storm.
Purchase not a friend with gifts.

Prosperity is apt to increase self-confidence.

Pity towards an enemy is noble.

Pride and ingratitude are nearly related.

Peace of conscience is beginning bliss.
Ponder well thy out-sets.
Persist not in any known error.
Patience alleviates distress.
Poor pasture is easily overstocked.
Pry not into the affairs of others.
Parlour feasts extinguish kitchen fires.

Praise is most shunned by the praise-worthy.
Prosperity is not less dangerous to virtue; than adversity.
Prepare for the worst, and hope for the best.
Poverty wants some-avarice all things.
Progressive virtue wins the prize' at last.


Quick resentments have often proved  destructive.
Quarrels are easier begun than ended.
Querying is more proper on doubtful occasions, than assertion.

Quibbling forbids confidence.
Quagmires commonly have smooth surfaces.

Quacks are generally more venturesome than skillful.

Quotations should not be mutilated.

Quarrelsome people do better at fasts than feasts.

Quietude of mind is virtue's asylum.

Qualification for usefulness is acquired by study.

Quit all bad company.
Quarrel not with any.

Qualify thyself for action by study.
Quarrels and strife, avoid through life.

Quiet minds, like smooth waters, reflect clearly.
Quench passion's heat, permit it not to blaze.
Quaint sayings are often long remembered.
Questions are easier proposed, than rightly answered.

Quibbling is nearly akin to lying.


Religion abases the lofty, and exalts the lowly.
Religion and enmity are incompatible.

Rather hope the best than fear the worst.
Resist at first if thou wouldst overcome.

Religion purifies our temporal enjoyments.
Rectitude of will is the perfection of virtue.
Reprehension is a better sign of friendship than flattery.

Riches make us neither wise nor healthy.
Rich persons should be almoners to the poor.

Right reason is never dissonant to truth.
Repetition makes small transgressions great.
Religion is reason refined from the dregs of sense.

Riches are precarious.
Rather suffer than do wrong.
Reproach not the unhappy.
Reports often out-travel truth.

Religion regulates the will and affections.
Rate thy acquisitions by their utility.

Reflection improves the understanding.

Riches without beneficence impoverish the mind.

Reformers should begin with themselves.
Retaliation multiplies offences.
Reflection is a rest to the mind.

Respect is often lost by the means used to obtain if.
Railery must be very nice not to offend.
Rather follow the wise than lead the foolish.

Reply cautiously.
Repentance disarms vice.
Remove not a land-mark.
Reprove tenderly.
Reprehend with delicacy.
Revenge not thyself.

Reliance on Providence is peaceful.
Rejoice not at the fall of an enemy.
Rule rather by discretion than rigour.
Rebuke not thy own frailties in others.
Rough shells often contain sweet kernels.
Respect for old age is amiable in youth.
Right reason and truth are always in unison.
Ridicule is the froth of ill-nature.
Reproof is more safe than flattery.
Renown is not due to revenge.
Rage unopposed soon evaporates.
Record not benefits in the sand.
Reduce thy wants to thy means.
Rather be despised than criminal.
Reprove vice, but pity the offender.
Rashness often defeats fair designs.

Rest continued long, makes indolence grow strong.
Reputation gained by many actions, may be lost by one.
Religion is best understood where most practised.
Rather muse than contend on doubtful subjects.

Self-conceit is not easy to be convinced.
Suffering often leads to victory.
Season thy conversation with instruction.
Soft words are pacifying.
Suit thy ends to thy means.
Security invites danger.

Self-conceit is a poor guard against imposition.

Slanderers, like flies, delight in sores.
Silence is the nurse of Wisdom.

Self-praise should be punished with silence.
Solitude hath no charms for ambition.

Superfluities are always dear-bought.

Superlative commendation is near akin to detraction.
Suspect no one of evil sooner than thyself.

Sin is the source of misery.

Seek that first which is first in value.
Satirists have generally strong resentments.
Self-examination is the court of virtue.
Self-love is the natural spring of action.

Small matches may fire great mines.
Seek not praise for well doing.
Suit thy ways to thy means.
Spare if thou wouldst have to spend.
Sin is the cause of shame.
Such as we sow we reap.
Sheep enrich their pasture.
Speak little to speak well.
Speech is peculiar to man.
Suppress evil propensities.
Sarcasm is venomous.
Speak modestly of thyself.
Side always with right.

Search not a wound too deeply.
silent streams are often deep.
Simplicity of manners is engaging.
Self commendation is degrading.
Ships without rudders make poor war.
Simple truth will bear sifting.
Share not in the spoils of injustice.
Sin unrepented of, is not forsaken.
Small leaks may empty large casks.
Small profit comes of ill gotten gain.

Sincerity is essential to friendship.
Seek not a friend among the dissolute.
Success does not always attend desert.
Seamen shorten sail as they near their port.
Small things increase to great by concord.
Slander's tongue is like the sting of wasps.
Slow and steady often out-travels haste.


The most diligent have no time to spare at last.
To learn to die, is the great business of life.

The language of truth is plain.

The rule of the tongue is a great attainment.
That life is long enough that ends well.
Tenacity is more a sign of error than of truth.
To flinch at small trials, is not learning to endure greater.

Tamper not with temptation.

True humility, is not apt apt either to give, or take offence.
To remit a wrong, leaves the offender in debt.
That tongue is well cured, which has lost all its venom.
To carry a full cup even, requires a steady hand.

Truth is to be preferred for its own sake.

Those vices which resemble virtue, are most dangerous.
To make light of a small fault, is to commit a greater.

Truth is never evasive.

There are many changes short of full conversion.

Those who lack hope, are poor indeed.

To reason with the angry, is like whispering to the deaf.

Trace thy actions to their motives.
Time loiters not.
Temperance is the best physick.

There is no conquest without conflict.
True friendship hath eternal views.
Trust not implicitly to the eyes of others.
The present moment only is ours. .
The desires of right reason are bounded by competency.
Truth gains nothing by asseveration.

Truth is impregnable.

Think often of the close of time.
The triumphs of passion are short.

They best can bear reproof, who merit praise.
The parts of truth are never contradictory.
Too much conversation is dissipating.
True worth is often found in obscurity,

Temperate pleasures are most durable.
Truth is of all things most estimable.
Temperance promotes health.

Trammel not thyself with needless care.

Think of rest, but travel on.
Trust not a bribed man.
Think twice to speak once.
True virtue ennobles.

Temper fortitude with prudence.
The tongue and heart, should never part.

True virtue fears nothing so much as sin.
The first lesson for a child, is obedience.
To insult the afflicted is impious.
To insult the helpless is dastardly.
To vindicate error is to adopt it.
Too strong a light, impairs the sight.

This life is a passage, not a port.
Tempers are the clothes of the mind.
The book of nature is full of instruction.
The path of the upright is straight.
The ways of the wicked are crooked.

Too much sail has overset many a fine ship.

Too much care doth health impair.
They who forgive, in quiet live.

The smiles of the world are deceitful.

The business of war is devastation and destruction.
The passions often mislead the judgment.
The learned are sometimes deficient in coUrtesy.
Too much diffidence disadvantageous.
True religion occupies the heart more than the head.
Triumphal arches are mostly monuments of human misery.
To delight in censure, is splenetick pride.
Through earthly business. bear a heaven-ward mind.
Tale-bearers are the heralds of enmity.
To be happy without holiness, is impossible.
The choice of the wicked includes their punishment.
True repentance is ever ready to repair injuries.

Upbraid not the penitent.

Vex not him whom thou wishest to convince.

Vanity sickens at neglect.

Virtue brightens in adversity.
Unite with those for peace.
Unvexed by sin, the mind enjoys a calm.

Vice chooses darkness.
Vice generates fear.

Vices, though near relations, are all at variance.
Violent tempers require strong curbs.

Vices are epidemical.

Virtue ennobles the poor, and makes the rich honourable.
Useless studies are a busy idleness.
Violence is not calculated to convince.

Undertake cautiously.
Vice is an infectious disorder.

Vicious old age is deplorable.

Unjust liberality is but ostentatious pride.
Vanity easily mistakes sneers for smiles.

Varnish not rotten wood.
Vindicate not thy errors.
Vice leads to wretchedness.

Unkindness is a self-tormentor.
Virtue is a celestial shield.
Unity is peculiar to true religion.
Unbeaten ways with caution tread.
Unripe fruits are not wholesome.
Vice is the deformity of man.
Vertical rays cast no shadow.
Violence is the argument of brutes.
Unbosom not thyself to strangers.
Unite frugality with liberality.
Vain-glory is a portentous meteor.
Virtue is a source of cheerfulness.
Unbidden, never at a feast intrude.

Vanity is blind to the contempt it excites.
Vales are generally more fertile than mounts.
Virtue shines brightest ill her native form.
Unasked advice, be not too prompt to give.
Unvaried bliss, no mortal being knows.
Vain persons are an easy prey to parasites.
Vindictive minds are never long at rest.

Wisdom, though serious, is never sullen.
Weak people are apt to be positive.
Withdraw from slanderers.

Wish rather to live well than long.

What thou canst not avoid, bear patiently.
Where mirth ends, sorrow often begins.
Where vice rules, virtue is in disgrace.
We cannot wrong another, without injuring ourselves.
Wisdom inclines its disciples to solitude.
When thou art commended, examine thyself.
We easily condemn our own vices in others.
Wise men measure time by their improvement of it.
Wisdom is often learned in the school of sorrow.
Wolves first scatter, and then devour the flock.

Wishing is not a sign of wisdom.

Whoever is angry at another, may be sure he is wrong  himself.

Wisdom is a precious jewel.
Wisdom.excels strength.
Want soon overtakes sloth.

Where faults appear, correct with care.
Wide waters are sometimes very shallow.
Wishing is a thriftless business.
Want of care denotes a want of virtue.
We have as many tyrants as vices.
We little need, and that not long.
Wishing is the labour of indolence.
Whom we love most we most fear to offend.
We learn wisdom by experience.

We should always distrust our own merit rather than Providence.
Wise men are cautious to whom they intrust secrets.
Wisdom teaches a just appreciation of all things.
What costs us nothing, we but lightly prize.
Wisdom rescues the decays of old age from aversion.

Where wisdom leads, sweet peace succeeds.
We ought to live, as we would wish to die.

X begins no word in the English language.

Xenophanes preferred reputation to wealth.

Xenophon encouraged learning.
Xerxes was a king of Persia.

Xenophillls is said to have lived 107 years without sickness.
X is sounded like Z in all initiaLs.

Yield not to temptation.
Yea and nay our rights convey.

Yarr not at the hand that feeds thee.
Yare hands make light work
Yearn not after forbidden fruit.
Youth is the season of improvement.

Yawning sloth is ever loath.

Yawning denotes heedlessness.
Yoke-fellows should draw together.
Youth are often more frank than prudent.
Young twigs are easier bent than boughs.
Yoke not a dray horse with a courser.

Youth should be a treasury of good habits.
Yeomen are an important part of the community.

Zeal needs a curb.
Zeal often lessens charity.

Zeal, without knowledge, is like wild-fire.
Zeal, untempered, does more harm than good.
Zeal for pure virtue, let thy actions shew.
Zig-zag courses make the journey long.
Zanies are troublesome companions.

Zoophites, are substances partaking of the nature both of plants and animals.

Zaffer is a fictitious mineral.

Zealots are seldom distinguishable by charity.
Zenith in astronomy is the point directly over head, and opposite the nadir.
Zones relate to climates, and are divided into the torrid, frigid, and temperate.

Zephyrs, refreshing breezes.
Zinc is a semi-metal.

Zoography, a scientific treatise on animals.