Journal of the Friends Historical Society, Vol. XII No. 2, (1916) pages 61-62.

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Plashet House.7th Month 23, 1825.

Dear Friend,

I would have given me much pleasure to aid the view of any friend of thine but I fear in the present case it is out of my power as I believe our society are not likely at present to send agents out to South America to establish schools. A little time since some of us had such an idea, but it did not appear as if such an arrangement could be accomplished at present.

It is not impossible that the British and Foreign School Society may have something of the kind in view, but I have not heard of it.

I think that the Gentleman recommended by thee would be particularly desirable were such an arrangement thought of, and it would be well worthwhile to make an enquiry respecting it; if I hear of anything, I will make a point of informing thee at once respecting it.

Excuse my troubling thee by representing the following cases that I think need peculiar atention in Newgate, as I think it very bad for the prisoners generally, and unfair to the city to keep convicts there under these circumstances, more particularly as season has so often been given them to believe they wre to be discharged as to render them very unsettled.

                                                Been in Newgate

Elizabeth Brown                               5 yrs & 2 months
Ann Cartwright                                4 years
Mary Howard                                   4   "
Mary Smith or (Martha Burgess)                4   " insane
Mary Healey long ill                          1 year & 9 months
Sarah Cherry                                  2 years
Sarah Wigley|_ a very hard                    2 years & four months
Sarah Giles |  case.

Alderman Thompson I think know all about these two.

I make this representation, notout of tenderness to the prisoners so much as feeling that Newgate is not the proper place for any to be long inmprisoned in, and that hte effect is very bad having expectations raised of pardon from time to time, and its not being granted, and Newgate is not a fit place for an hosptial or a mad house in long cases fo disease. I doubt not that our valuable Secretary of State would attend to these cases if represented to him.

Pray remember me kindly to they family and believe me with muchregard

thy obliged friend

Elizabeth Fry

Alderman Wood


The Editor's notes:

Above is printed from a typewritten copy of the original, per W. Clarkson Wallis, of Brighton.

Sir Matthew Wood (1768-1843), first baronet, was Alderman of Cripplegate Without, 1807, lord mayor 1815-1816 and 1816-1817, M.P. for the city, 1817-43. (D.N.B.)

The webmeister's notes:

I have taken the liberty of completely spelling out abbreviated words, but have not otherwise tried to change or improve the original. -pds.